Los sacrificios que hacemos como mujer | Loh Contest #175 [ESP-ENG]

Hola hermosas damas de esta colmena, espero estén muy bien. ¡Wow! Tenía meses que no me pasaba a dar respuesta a un contest de la semana, aunque siempre me pasaba por la comunidad, pero la primera pregunta del contest de esta semana fue un disparo directo en el pecho, porque el tema de los sacrificios es lo que me viene dando vueltas últimamente.

1️⃣ Siempre se espera que una mujer haga sacrificios por su familia. ¿Alguna vez has sacrificado algo importante por tus seres queridos y nunca has hablado de ello? ¿Quieres compartir tu historia con nosotros?

Hello beautiful ladies of this hive, I hope you are very well, Wow! It's been months since I've answered a contest of the week, although I've always stopped by the community, but the first question of this week's contest was a direct shot in the chest, because the topic of sacrifices is what I've been thinking about lately.

1️⃣ A Woman is always expected to make sacrifices for her family. Have you ever sacrificed anything important for your loved ones and never spoken about it? Would you like to share your story with us?

Tengo tiempo pensando en todo lo que he sacrificado por mi familia o por amigos y cuando me pongo a sacar la cuenta de esos sacrificios, siento como se va hundiendo esa aguja en el pecho más y más. Y sí, creo que tiene que ver mucho que desde la perspectiva de ser mujer es una la que tiene que sacrificarse por los demás, porque sí, porque viene de Manual, porque “así es la vida”.

Nos enseñan que no podemos quejarnos, que podemos con todo, que debemos estar para todos, que son nosotras nadie logra nada, que somos “ mujeres que resuelven”. Debemos estar allí para los padres, para los hijos, para las parejas. Eso cala tanto que los sacrificios se vuelven parte del vivir y ya es hasta costumbre sacrificarse, porque bueno, toca.

I have been thinking about all that I have sacrificed for my family or for friends, and when I start to count those sacrifices, I feel that needle sinking deeper and deeper in my chest. And yes, I think it has to do a lot with the fact that from the perspective of being a woman, it is one who has to sacrifice for others, just because, because it comes from Manual, because "that's life".

We are taught that we cannot complain, that we can do anything, that we must be there for everyone, that nobody can achieve anything, that we are "women who solve". We must be there for our parents, for our children, for our partners. This is so pervasive that sacrifices become part of life and it is even a habit to sacrifice, because well, it's our turn.

Alguien tiene que sacrificarse en esta vida y ese alguien es la mujer y lo peor es que si una no hace sacrificios nos tildan de mala madre, mala mujer, mala hija y mala esposa.

Ya perdí la cuenta de los sacrificios que he venido haciendo como parte de esa naturalidad que describir antes, parte de esa costumbre y ahora que veo que tengo, noto que sigo en el mismo sitio, es que me viene el balde de agua helada de que los sacrificios me han ganado la batalla y allí viene el dolor en el pecho.

Someone has to sacrifice in this life and that someone is the woman and the worst thing is that if one does not make sacrifices we are labeled as a bad mother, bad woman, bad daughter and bad wife.

I have already lost count of the sacrifices that I have been making as part of that naturalness that I described before, part of that habit and now that I see that I have, I notice that I am still in the same place, it is that the bucket of ice water comes to me that the sacrifices have won the battle and there comes the pain in my chest.

No es que me esté arrepintiendo de los sacrificios que he hecho, para nada. Lo hecho, hecho está y punto. Es solo que no puedo perderme tanto tampoco.

Entonces, contestando a la pregunta si he tenido que sacrificar algo importante. La respuesta es sí, me he tenido que sacrificar a mí misma, mis sueños y lo que quiero por mis seres queridos.

It's not that I'm regretting the sacrifices I've made, not at all. What's done is done, period. It's just that I can't miss that much either.

So, answering the question if I have had to sacrifice something important. The answer is yes, I have had to sacrifice myself, my dreams and what I love for my loved ones.

La historia con detalles me lo guardo cuando esté preparada para contarla, por lo pronto gracias por ser un refugio para las mujeres

I'll keep the story in detail when I'm ready to tell it, for now thank you for being a refuge for women*.

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I agree that women make many sacrifices for their families, and I think it's all part of maternal instincts. It's not a bad thing though, as it helps to build resilience:)


We agree that everything in life is a sacrifice, but when the balance is tipped more towards the woman, it ends up taking its toll later in life.


Thank you for pouring out your heart to us, even though you did not tell your story but I can feel the hidden pain in your words. It is a problem of we women only that we teach our daughters right from a young age that a woman has to always sacrifice for her family, we never teach our sons the same. High time the society changes.


Around here I'm doing it with my son, I tell him that sacrifice comes regardless of gender.


Una guerrera de la vida sin duda alguna. Muchísimo éxito en esta semana mi querida @rulirecomienda
A warrior of life without a doubt. Much success this week my dear



Palabras muy acertadas amiga, las mujeres siempre hacemos sacrificio por nuestras familias.

Saludos y bendiciones 🤗
