Who I have become.


I have been in situations were people walk up to me and they are like, I would really like to hang out with you.. most times they even go as far as mentioning some habits and character they really want to emulate from me, how they admire the way I'm always on my own doing my own thing and most of these things that I do, I had no idea about them until they were mentioned.

Most times we don't even know that we are been watched so we live our life like no man's business, that we don't even try to be careful of what we do, forgetting that we don't judge ourselves personal, rather the people around us are the ones that tells most times who we are.

You see I kinda believe that we all have our flaws, like we have both the good and bad side of ourselves. But then we try real hard to hide that bad part of us and then show the world the good parts that we probably want them to see.

So yeah, I think I have some little good traits that are worth emulating. First I would say I'm the honest/truthful type of person I believe in always saying the truth, no matter how little or irrelevant it might be.

I believe when you start a lie, you will end up telling more lies to cover up the first one so like I always tell my friends 'lying is cheap and I don't do cheap stuffs'.lol

Also I can say I'm a Respectful person, I give respect to everyone regardless of your age or status. I try to give everyone their respect, both young and old I don't feel looking down on people regardless of their status. it's not something anyone should find joy in doing, so I try as much as I can never to be disrespectful to anyone, even when they are sometimes at fault.

Then there comes the fun free lady that always carry everyone along and always try to light up wherever I find myself, also I learned to accept correction whenever I'm wrong not minding if it's coming from a younger person, so I would say I emulate humility to the last call.

Finally, if I'm to be someone's idol I would really encourage that the person first emulates the habit of giving. Above all Giving is one thing that I personally admire about myself so much, I give out no matter how little it may be.

I just hope to be able to always show this good traits because most times our shortcomings tend to overshadow the little good that we try to portray.
