splinterlands daily swearfest - day 5 - BRING THE DEATH SQUAD


starting points 1510 - ending points 1588

normally my fav set of cards but pretty fucking useless in silver league

first match vs all gold cards - https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_44103aa8147dfcc588174f5c60eb2ed0 - this is the shit i gotta deal with

annndd then fucking lose to level 1's - sometimes i just gotta laugh at this shit

UNFUCKINGBELIEVEABLE - followed by the typical losing streak 12 mana garbage bullshit

MOTHERFUCKER FUCKITY FUCK !!!!! it's another fucking day of win 3 - fucking lose 3

HA - a draw , i'll fucking take it

only 1 match left to finish the daily -will it be a lose 10 in a row streak

WHOOPEEEE !!!! i got to kick some level 1 ass - no fucking win streak today again though

meh , 3 more shitty cards

we'll try again tomorrow

*(this account is for entertainment purposes only - please consult a mental health professional if you consider taking any of this seriously)
