RE: Thoughts on Music Teaching


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I feel like I'm noticing a few trends in that I'm not really a fan of. Or perhaps I'm being a normal human and overseeing the things that bother me, while straw-manning and constructing a favourable narrative for the things that I hold dear!

Either is equally likely and some people delude themselves that they are doing the former because the latter is much too severe a blow for the ego XD

heavy focus at all stages of the classical music education process on technical metrics

Oh no x_x it's a similar deal with art but I don't know whether that's an art school thing or a real or perceived requirement of industry. I've seen quite a number of pieces that are technically brilliant but not otherwise "interesting" (at least to me). Apparently they lack soul (at least that was the explanation I got given by someone else).

What is desking?


Desking... in orchestras, the desking is the order of players in the string section.. from the concertmaster at the front, and then "descending". Although, in realty, every orchestra does it differently... sometimes from "best to worst"... or who works best together, or constantly shuffling!
