I am alive Challenge Day-96

Today is Saturday, January 15, 2022. Bismillahir Rahman's Raheem All Praises All the Great Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu I am so sorry for not being able to come among you. It has been raining for three or four days today and I can't get out of the dark room around. I feel very bad because of the rain. I wish you were well too but those who are there can feel the cold because it is foggy and cold in the morning and then cold in the night in Kankan and you must do everything.




However, the current situation is very bad, especially the amount of Omicron is increasing day by day and many people are dying due to the attack of reconciliation. Many people are dying. If we try to follow the rules of the great Lord Almighty, we will be able to save everything in our lives from this pernicious disease. We will be able to save ourselves and all our family members with us. Repeatedly we need to pray for our recovery from this great plague. Pray to our great Lord Almighty for our well-being and then pray that we may be healthy. He never wants to keep us bad. Maybe I will tell you that you must recite Namaz Kalam and recite Zikr-e-Azkar May Allah protect us from these epidemics. I wish you all well and good health. I bid you farewell here.
I am taking part in the #IAmAliveChallenge. The 4 basic points to take part in the #IAmAliveChallenge are


For more information please refer to their guide at

