Regression of the past- 5


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
All praise be to Allah Almighty
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu how are you all I hope you all are very well by the grace of Allah I am also very well by your prayers and by the grace of Allah Alhamdulillah.

Regression of the past- 5

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Sumna loves Rafiq Saheb very much before whenever Rafiq Saheb came home he always spent his days sitting in front of Sumna but these few days he doesn't know why he doesn't want to be in front because if he is in front of Suman maybe he will be caught or the truth will come out so he always tries To stay a little far away from time but Sumna Nachordbanda she can't live a moment without Rafiq Sahib. Rafiq Sahib has nothing to do with a smile on his face and suppress all the pain in his heart and talk with a smile in front of gold.

Whenever Sumna falls asleep at night, Rafiq takes a chair and goes to the roof. Sitting on the chair, he only thinks why this is happening to him. There is no one in this world who can even help him. Having to do this, Rafiq Sahib cannot tell when he falls asleep.

Rafiq sahib is sitting there is a mission going on and they are discussing about that mission suddenly there were many militant forces there and they jumped on their mission.

Rafiq Sahib and his forces tackled the militants and rescued many people but the remaining people were killed by the militants.

Two of the people whom Rafiq had saved thanked them very much and told them that they had done them a great favor. They risked their lives to save their wives and children. One of them had a pregnant wife and asked them to find a diamond mine.

Rafiq Sahib thinks to himself that we have saved them now if they want us to search for diamond mines then we should take them Rafiq Sahib agrees to their words.

The next afternoon Rafiq Sahib and 10 other commanders went out with the man to search for diamond mines.

Rafiq Sahib and 10 others were walking behind the man on the mountain path, suddenly a cloud appeared in the sky and the sky became cloudy and dark. It didn't seem like it was day.

The man started to say to Rafiq Sahib, look sir, this is the world of black magic, here you must walk carefully, then Rafiq Sahib said to the man, we have enough nuclear weapons.

Then while walking Mr. Rocket said where is your diamond mine, then the man pointed to a mountain and said that there is a mountain next to the locality, there is a cave inside that mountain, if you enter inside that cave, you will soon find the diamond mine.

to be continued
