[ENG / SPA] Ladies of Hive Community Contest #90 || Discovering my skills to create a new venture.


Hello my beautiful ladies welcome to my participation in the #90 contest.

Hola mis bellas damas bienvenidas a mi participación en el concurso #90.


2️⃣ Tell us about your venture, project, business, or plan to improve your economic situation. When the idea appeared, how did you make the business plan? Has it been difficult to find suppliers or inputs? Have customers identified with your service?

It is a pleasure to be with you again in this new contest that week after week is more interesting and motivating. In this world there are very talented people with many abilities, which is admirable, however, there are people who have not yet discovered all the things they can do and that happened to me.
Es un placer estar nuevamente con ustedes en este nuevo concurso que semana tras semana son más interesantes y motivadores. En este mundo hay personas muy talentosas y con muchas habilidades, cosa que es admirable, sin embargo, hay personas que aún no han descubierto todas las cosas que pueden hacer y eso paso conmigo.

One of the careers that I liked when I was a child was clothing design, but I had to give up because I don't know how to draw anything and that is the basis for creating garments. Over the years at my son's school, the teacher asked for crafts, I was scared because I didn't know anything, but you did my crafts anyway and discovered how easy it is when you put effort and dedication.
Una de las carreras que me gustaba cuando era niña era diseño de ropa, pero tuve que desistir por que no se dibujar nada y esa es la base para poder crear prendas. Con el pasar de los años en la escuela de mi hijo la maestra pedía manualidades, yo asustada porque no sabía nada, pero de igual manera hacías mis manualidades y fue descubriendo lo fácil que es cuando pones empeño y dedicación.


I managed to make a four, memory games, decorate little boxes, gift bags, party favors with recycled material, ludo, I even make my son's birthday piñatas, except for his first year. Being able to create has become a very fun way to learn and put much more effort.
Logre hacer un cuatro, juegos de memoria, decorar cajitas, bolsas de regalo, cotillón con material reciclado, ludo, incluso las piñatas de los cumpleaños de mi hijo se las hago yo, excepto la de su primer añito. Poder crear se ha convertido en una manera muy divertida de aprender y de poner mucho más empeño.

I have done many things to generate income, for example: sell cheese, meat, fish, cleaning products, honey and lastly, what I have liked the most is making bows. This has been my best endeavor because I am always creating new designs. I started with a basic design, I was so fascinated that I looked for ways to learn how to make other models. I have never received a course, I have done everything through photos, however, I would like to be able to prepare myself a little more, either through workshops, conferences, etc.
He hecho muchas cosas para generar ingresos, por ejemplo: vender queso, carne, pescado, productos de limpieza, miel de abeja y por último que es la que más me ha gustado es hacer lazos. Esto ha sido mi mejor emprendimiento porque siempre estoy creando nuevos diseños. Comencé con un diseño básico, quede tan fascinada que busque la manera de aprender hacer otros modelos. Nunca he recibido un curso, todo lo he a través de fotos, sin embargo, me gustaría poder prepararme un poco más, ya sea a través de talleres, conferencias, etc.


I published the first designs in the WhatsApp group of the school, there are many girls there, I managed to sell little, just like in the dance therapy group. Seeing the need for money, I started to create new, much more beautiful designs and published them again. It turns out that I have been much more receptive, they have made several orders so I have had to go buy material.
Los primeros diseños los publique en el grupo de WhatsApp de la escuela, allí hay muchas niñas, logre vender poco, al igual que en el grupo de la bailoterapia. Viendo la necesidad de dinero, comencé a crear nuevos diseños muchos más hermosos y los publiqué nuevamente. Resulta que he tenido mucha más receptividad, me han hechos varios pedidos por lo que he tenido que ir a comprar material.

Foami or EVA rubber are cheap and can be found everywhere, but I had to walk to find better prices, the more I save, the more I earn. I feel that it has gone very well for me, I have managed to solve many things thanks to these sales, I keep track and I am always replenishing the material that runs out to continue satisfying my clients.
El foami o goma eva son económicos y se consiguen en todos lados, pero tuve que caminar para buscar mejores precios, mientras más me ahorre, más son las ganancias. Siento que me ha ido muy bien, he logrado solventar muchas cosas gracias a estas ventas, llevo un control y siempre estoy reponiendo el material que se acabe para seguir satisfaciendo a mis clientes.


Personally, I think that I should create an internet page in order to promote the bows, I have uploaded them on my Facebook and Instagram profile and many people have loved it, which fills me with great satisfaction. Promoting through social networks is a very good idea, there are many mothers who buy accessories to make their princesses more beautiful and I should take advantage of that.
En lo personal pienso que debo crear una página por internet con el fin de promocionar los lazos, los he subido en mi perfil de Facebook e Instagram y a muchas personas les ha encantado lo cual me llena de mucha satisfacción. Esta idea de promocionar por redes sociales es muy buena, hay muchas madres que compran accesorios para poner más lindas a sus princesas y allí debo aprovechar.

This new venture has enriched me a lot on a personal level, from not knowing how to do anything to what I do today is a radical change. Being able to discover those skills has allowed me to develop my creativity and be more proud of myself. The truth is that it has been a very positive change and if God allows me, I will continue putting my effort and dedication to continue creating and expanding my business.
Este nuevo emprendimiento me ha enriquecido mucho a nivel personal, de no saber hacer nada a lo que hoy hago es un cambio radical. Poder descubrir esas habilidades me ha permitido desarrollar mi creatividad y estar más orgullosa de mi misma. La verdad es que ha sido un cambio muy positivo y si Dios me lo permite seguiré poniendo mi mi empeño y dedicación para seguir creando y expandir mi emprendimiento.


I have reached the end of my participation, thank you all very much for your visit…. See you soon!

He llegado al final de mi participación, muchísimas gracias a todas por su visita…. ¡Hasta pronto!


Felicitaciones por tu emprendimiento. Tus lazos son hermosos y muy creativos. Tienes razón en cuanto a la página de internet, es importante llegar a mas personas y deberías considerar ofrecerlos al mayor en tiendas de artículos para niños.



All your bows looks very cute and adorable. They are all neatly done. You can also design it on the headband if you like. 🥰 TikTok will also help you promote your products.
Anyway, I wish you good luck, good health and more sales to you @sabrip .


Gracias por el dato amiga y muchas gracias por tus buenos deseos. Amen.


Dear @sabrip, we need your help!

The Hivebuzz proposal already got important support from the community. However, it lost its funding a few days ago when the HBD stabilizer proposal rose above it.

May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work?
You can do it on Peakd, Ecency, Hive.blog or using HiveSigner.

All votes are helpful and yours will be much appreciated.
Thank you!


You received 2 LADY(LOH) tokens for entering the Ladies of Hive contest!

We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hold LOH tokens over a long period of time.
