A veces tengo ideas extrañas/Sometimes I have strange ideas


Hola, Comunidad de Hive
Hello, Hive Commnunity

A veces tengo ideas extrañas
Sometimes I have strange ideas


Imagen de succo en Pixabay

Se que entraron a leer esas extrañas ideas, porque nos encanta simplemente saber que le sucede a otras personas, lo sé a mi me sucede soy muchas veces curiosa.
Definitivamente el internet nos lee y detecta nuestros intereses, lo sé cuando me interesa un tema y lo busco en google o entro en alguna red social buscando material, las propagandas aumentan sobre ese tema.

¿Será coincidencia? No, la verdad es que nos escuchan y no estoy siendo mal pensada, es una realidad porque lo he visto a personas a mí alrededor.

Esto son simplementes ideas que se me ocurren.


Imagen de Stafford GREEN en Pixabay

I know you came in to read those strange ideas, because we just love to know what happens to other people, I know it happens to me, I'm often curious.
Definitely the internet reads us and detects our interests, I know when I am interested in a topic and I search for it on google or enter a social network looking for material, the advertisements increase on that topic.

Will it be coincidence? No, the truth is that they listen to us and I'm not being misunderstood, it's a reality because I've seen people around me.

These are just ideas that occur to me.


Imagen de Darwin Manuel Acosta Mancebo en Pixabay

Últimamente hay muchas personas deprimidas por diferentes razones, el motivo por el que lo comento es que es normal psicológicamente hablando sentir en algún momento de tu vida; que te quieres morir, porque te sientes mal o has tenido una mala semana. No necesariamente quieres atentar con tu vida, simplemente es una expresión momentánea y hasta natural de sentirse mal.

El temor a expresarnos en público que alguna vez nos ha pasado por la mente atentar contra nuestra vida, es tan natural como la vida misma. Simplemente está permitido sentirse así, lo que no es válido es quedarse atrapado en ese estado.

Esto son simplementes ideas que se me ocurren.


Imagen de Carabo en Pixabay

Lately there are many depressed people for different reasons, the reason why I mention it is that it is psychologically normal to feel at some point in your life; that you want to die, because you feel bad or have had a bad week. You do not necessarily want to attempt with your life, it is simply a momentary and even natural expression of feeling bad.

The fear of expressing ourselves in public that has ever crossed our minds to attempt against our lives, is as natural as life itself. It is simply allowed to feel like this, what is not valid is to stay trapped in that state.

These are just ideas that occur to me.


Imagen de Gino Crescoli en Pixabay

Hay una idea que me da vueltas y vueltas en mi cabeza, tengo que expresarlo para que no se quede en el cocotero. Hay muchos records que se crean y otros que están allí para romperlos.
Perfectamente entiendo que no se ve bien crear más de dos post diarios.
Pero a mi me ronda la idea de hacer un post de calidad cada hora por 24 horas, con una campaña publicitaria y el apoyo de alguna ballena.

Por supuesto seria con post en 0 sin ganancia o podría ser colocado un beneficiario de esas campañas que a veces se hacen para dar apoyo a alguien necesitado.

Con una buena campaña publicitaria en las otras redes, como un medio para llevar #hive a muchos lados.

Esto son simplementes ideas que se me ocurren.


Imagen de ThePixelman en Pixabay

There is an idea that goes round and round in my head, I have to express it so that it doesn't stay in the coconut tree. There are many records that are created and others that are there to break them.
I fully understand that it does not look good to create more than two daily posts.
But the idea of ​​making a quality post every hour for 24 hours haunts me, with an advertising campaign and the support of a whale.

Of course it would be with a post in 0 without profit or a beneficiary of those campaigns that are sometimes made to support someone in need could be placed.

With a good advertising campaign on the other networks, as a means of taking #hive to many places.

These are just ideas that occur to me.


Imagen de Gerd Altmann en Pixabay

Yo quisiera poder apoyar a todos los participantes, pero a veces las horas del día no me alcanzan. La realidad es que he trabajado duro para hacer crecer mi cuenta.
Como trabajo todo el día y también tengo un hogar que mantener, en la noche como muchos de ustedes es cuando me siento a escribir, en el silencio de la noche.

Pocas veces me ha tocado estos pensamientos, pero cuando otras personas acuden a mí como si yo fuera un banco para prestarles ante una necesidad, como si yo no tuviera también compromisos monetarios y no trabajara a diario para tener lo que tengo. Creo que no me gusta ver pedigueños en hive.

Esto son simplementes ideas que se me ocurren.


Imagen de Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke en Pixabay

I would like to be able to support all the participants, but sometimes the hours of the day are not enough for me. The reality is that I have worked hard to grow my account.
As I work all day and also have a home to support, at night like many of you is when I sit down to write, in the silence of the night.

Rarely have these thoughts touched me, but when other people come to me as if I were a bank to lend them in case of need, as if I did not also have monetary commitments and do not work daily to have what I have. I guess I don't like seeing beggars on hive.

These are just ideas that occur to me.


Imagen de Gerd Altmann en Pixabay

Ojalá me permitan un poco de locura este día.

Ya logre sacarme y compartir todas estas inquietudes que tenia pendientes y me daban vueltas en mi mente, simplemente me rondaban inquietas por salir.

I already managed to get out and share all these concerns that I had pending and they were spinning around in my mind, they simply haunted me restless to get out.


¡Gracias por tu visita/Thank you for your visit!


I think bombarding the platform with excessive post don't make sense and I try to keep it at two posts daily because there are days I am really in the mood to write many so I just save them for the next.

Creating more visibility for hive on other platforms is good and I urge everyone to be part of it.

Growing on hive requires hard work and whoever wants to grow must put in lots of effort. Begging for support is not a good act although I have had the intention of doing that someday I haven't because it feels unprofessional to me


That is correct, maximum two daily posts, but this idea I have is about record and extraordinary promotion without profit in the post. Well they are just ideas that come up. Thank you very much for the support. Hug @george-dee

Eso es correcto máximo dos publicaciones diarias, pero está idea que tengo es sobre record y promoción extraordinaria sin ganancia en el post. Bueno son solo ideas que surgen. Muchísimas gracias por el apoyo.
