An eye opening false accusation

Have you ever been so surprised that a friend of yours could accuse you and didn't even give you the benefit of the doubt? I have experienced false accusations in such a way, and to be honest from unexpected people that on a normal day I would call them a very good friend

The scenario of false accusation which I experienced was the sort that, you automatically know that no matter what you think you can say to defend yourself, its ready certain that the other party won't care to listen to. Their emotion has taken hold of them, and overridden any thought of seeing the other side of the equation. In this kind of situation, the more you talk, the more furious they get, it is best to just observe and then try to talk to them when they are calm. Our emotions usually cancel out all rationality, especially in decision-making.

Why do I say this?

Listen to my story 👇


It was 2022, my friends, also my work colleagues were supposed to rotate or move from one point of work to another, we call it a kind of work rotation. For that, we already had a roaster to that effect, but one problem though, due to a mix-up in scheduling of information. The timetable has become more of words on paper with absolutely no meaning, as a result, we were left with no choice but to ague our case out so as to be rotated to a favorable unit. So for each rotation, we argued endlessly, it was plain war of words ad emotion flying uncontrollably in the air.

Friends became enemies on the spot and enemies became friends on the spot just so as to achieve a common goal. It became a full-blown parade of lawlessness, betrayal was the order of the day and accusations were made with no full evidence or proof. People started to distrust one another for no apparent reason

I wasn't left out Of course I got caught up in this so-called lawlessness. I became a victim of the situation and this came from none other than a friend, It was unexpected, I was stunned.
Apparently, someone had given her a false narrative and made me look like the one who had countered her moving to a favorable unit which on the norm she thought she was supposed to move to. For some reason, the person decided to paint me in a bad light and she took it hook, line, and sinkers.

She immediately attacked me the next morning transferring all forms of aggression and anger to me, she said, "I can't believe you did that to me ", "I never thought you could be one of all people", "I am disappointed in you", "You are a terrible person" " you are just evil, thank God I now realize that " wow, she might not realized it, and she most definitely never did, but the pain from those words were more than the stab from a dagger.

I tried so hard to make her listen to reason, telling her to calm down and hear my side of the story. She didn't allow that, she was too emotional and enraged, all logicality was erased. I made a close try to speak in defense but she immediately cut me off with her raging anger, then I realized, nothing I was going to say would get through to her at this point, it was plain clear. So I kept quiet and allowed her to pour out her emotions.

She flipped my quiet state which I assumed was better and said "Look at how quiet you are, it shows that you are guilty as charged" My reaction became no reaction. The only way out was to speak to her when she has blown off some steam, so I left her.

The next day which was a weekend I sent a WhatsApp voice note to her explaining everything in detail which I finished with "I am not pained that someone lied to you about me, I am pained that of all people, you! you believed that lie without so much as a second thought" she apologized profusely. But frankly, there was already a dent in our friendship, one that even time could never repair.

So that is my story, I am glad it happened because it taught me one thing, most people are not your true friend, they are friends because they know you are a nice person and they have something to gain from you, as soon as the situation changes, you will see them for who they really are.

Thanks for reading, Sayonara 🖐️
