BLANK:Panic in the exam Hall: How I coped with going blank on the Exam

Panic in the exam Hall: How I coped with going blank on the Exam

Photo by cottonbro

My experience!!!

It was the final day of exams and I was feeling pretty confident. I had studied hard and felt prepared for whatever the test might throw at me.
Frankly, I had been studying for months, and I was confident that I knew everything there was to know. But then, disaster struck. I walked into the exam hall and sat down at my desk, only to realize that I had absolutely no idea what to write on the paper in front of me. I felt my heart racing and my palms start to sweat as I tried to think of an answer but nothing, I was blank. Sitting down in the exam hall and seeing the questions, all of the knowledge I thought I had acquired suddenly disappeared. I went blank.

The panic worsened, I panicked so much that I couldn't think straight. My mind was completely blank.

I sat there for what felt like an eternity, frantically trying to come up with an answer. But nothing came to. In the minutes leading up to the exam, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. I had revised the material, and I was confident that I knew the answers. But now I was sitting down in my seat with an opened booklet, for some reason best known to the universe, all of that confidence vanished.

The first question was a doozy, I felt my throat in my mouth – not a single word came to mind. The panic set in, and I could feel my heart racing as beads of sweat formed on my forehead.

The exam was so important, I knew that I had to get a good grade in order to meet certain requirements. So there I was, seated in the quiet exam hall, surrounded by other students who were all diligently writing away.
I don't know what happened – I couldn't even remember how to spell my own name. The panic started to set in as I realized that I was about to fail the most important exam of my life.

But somehow, I got through it. I don't know how, but I finished the exam and handed it in. And when I got my grade back, I was relieved to see that I had passed.

One thing I realised from this experience

It's normal to feel a little bit of panic in exam situations, After all, your future depends on this one test. But don't worry – there are some things you can do to help yourself calm down and focus.

First, take a deep breath and try to relax. Next, think about why you're feeling anxious and what you can do to fix it. Finally, focus on the task at hand and try to take one step at a time. With a little bit of luck and a lot of determination, you'll get through this tough time and come out stronger on the other side.

So what can be done if you Go Blank on an Exam Hall

  1. Don't panic. This is the most important thing – if you panic, you'll only make things worse.

  2. Take a deep breath and try to calm down.

  3. Look through the questions again and try to spot any patterns.

  4. If all else fails, guess! Even if you get some of the answers wrong, it's better than not answering any questions at all.

There's nothing quite like the feeling of panic that sets in when you walk into an exam hall and realize that you have no idea what you're doing. I can still remember the cold sweat that started to form on my forehead as I scanned the test paper, trying to make sense of the gibberish in front of me.

It's at moments like these that you have to take a deep breath and try to calm down. Panicking will only make the situation worse. Here are a few other things that you should avoid if you find yourself going blank on the exam hall:

  1. Don't try to copy someone else's answers – this is considered cheating and could get you expelled from school.

  2. Don't start reading through the questions over and over again – this will only waste your time and make you more anxious.

  3. Don't just sit there staring at the paper – get started on whatever questions you can answer, even if they're only partially correct.

  4. And finally, don't give up! Keep working until the very end, and don't let yourself feel defeated.

Prevention is better than cure so, how do you Prevent Going Blank in the Exam Hall
Learnt from a completely different experience

The day of one of my exams, I woke up. I had been studying for months, and I didn't want to let all that hard work go to waste. I went through my usual routine – shower, breakfast, review some flashcards – and then it hit me. I had forgotten to study one of the most important topics!

I started to panic. What was I going to do? My mind was a blank. I could feel the anxiety swelling up inside me like a tidal wave. I tried to focus on my breath, but it was no use.

Then, in a moment of clarity, I came up with a plan. Instead of trying to squeeze the whole information in myself, I would ask one of the other students in the room for help before the exam finally started, this saved me lots of time. And that's what I did. With their help, I was able to complete the exam and pass with flying colors.


It's okay to feel panicked and even freak out a little when you go blank during an exam – it's normal. The most important thing to do is stay calm and take a few deep breaths. From there, try to remember the pieces of the exam you've already completed.
If you can, get up and walk around for a few minutes. This will help clear your head and give you a chance to relax. And finally, don't forget to laugh it off – everyone makes mistakes, and it's better to have a sense of humor about it than dwell on the mistake.
When it comes to exams, everyone experiences a little bit of anxiety. It's natural to feel overwhelmed and panicked when you go blank – but it's important to stay calm and get through it. Remember to take deep breaths, get up and walk around if you can, and most importantly, laugh it off.

Thanks for reading, Sayonara.


I had an experience too. I was confident of what I have read and entering the exam hall and was given the question paper and answer script, I went blank. I couldn't get anything from what I have read and in my mind, I was calling the Holy Spirit to remind me. It took me few minutes to fully get everything and how did it happened?

I tried remembering what I have read but I couldn't. I relaxed myself and was eavesdropping some students behind me saying some answers. At that point, everything I read came back and I started writing without looking up.

At first, I panicked because I didn't want to miss writing anything since it could be automatic carry over for me and I never wanted that. Thank God I was calmed and asked the Holy Spirit to help me remember.

I came through Dreemport 🤗


Reading through this... I had memories of University hahahaha and how I am 99.999% sure that i NEVER want to go back to get a higher degree hahahahaha

my bachelor's degree is ENOUGH because i hated that feeling of going into a test. So much so - that I still have nightmares to do this day.. hahaha and i was a really good student too! LOL

nice job giving people tips on how to just stay calm and take it one step at a time! hehehe

I'm here from #dreemport :)


I had an experience whereby someone had a panic attack in the exam hall, and was immediately rushed to the hospital

I still disagree with the principle of having exams as a test of knowledge.


Stress and then panic are no fun to deal with. We often talk ourselves into it before we get into the room to take an exam or do whatever is the cause of the stress. Good tips on dealing with it


Glad you found it helpful. Panic in the exam hall is no joke, worse especially in an oral exam.


When one is anxious about an examination it's easy to fall prey of going blank. You have stated really good ways to get out of the blank state. Thank you so much for sharing this with us, I will surely keep it in mind in case I ever find myself in such situation.


You are very much welcome @hopestylist . You see, going blank doing a very important exam can be an horrible nightmare, glad this gave you ideas on how to deal with the situation, cheers 🥂.


Yes Sam, I totally agree with you, it can be really frustrating to go blank in the examination hall. Yes, these tips are going to come in handy I'm certain, hehe.


That must have been scary!!! I'm really glad you passed both times 🙌

