The Heartbreak 💔😔



“Chin up, soldier! I won’t entertain any timid-spirited souls in my team, is that right?” Like a lion roaring at his cub to sound a warning, the captain took a hard shot at Dan, who had not really been himself since the training began that day. Captain Stone is like an eagle with sharp sight; nothing goes unnoticed around him.

The moment he sighted Dan’s reluctance among his peers, he had no choice but to call him out. “Give me fifty soldier!” Captain Stone ordered. “What is wrong with this man? Can’t he just leave me alone?” Dan said to himself as he reluctantly went on to give the captain 50 push-ups.

Dan had been outstanding among his peers since he got to the boot camp. He aced several training sessions with outstanding marks that got him some attention. Captain Stone got worried about his new attitude.

“I know his close friend lost his mother, but this isn’t reason enough for Dan’s behavior.” As Captain Stone discussed this with Officer Jasper, a junior colleague, he wondered what could have been the reason for Dan’s sudden change.

“Even the friend had placed his mother’s demise behind him, it’s been 3 weeks now and he’s totally back to being himself,” Officer Jasper replied. “With Dan's initial performance, I was already thinking of assigning him to one of the best stations and recommending him for a promotion, but I don’t think I’ll do that with this new attitude he’s putting up.”

As Captain Stone made the statement, Officer Jasper knew he had to do something to change his mind, as Dan is his favorite.

“Give me some time to get to the root of this, sir. I’m sure something must have happened, and I promise to find out.” Stone gave Jasper a suspicious look, especially at how he seemed to be looking out for Dan.

“I know he’s your favorite, but I’ll give you this chance because I like him too; I was just surprised at his behavior,” Stone said. Like a grateful servant to his master, Jasper showed his appreciation and left Stone alone.

“But how will I get to know what’s wrong with this young man?” As Jasper asked himself, he heard a flock of birds chirping in unison and got carried away with the sounds they made. Like a man suddenly tapped into reality, he said to himself, “thanks birds, I think I have an idea!”

Jasper decided to approach Dan’s colleagues and make some inquiries about his behavior. The idea he got from the birds was their movement and chirping in groups. He knew he had to approach Dan’s peers if he was going to get to the root of the matter.

Matthew and Akeem are Dan’s bunkmates. They also happen to be one of his closest friends on camp. “Akeem, what do you think could be the issue? Officer Jasper has never summoned us since we got to the camp.” As Matthew was trying to rub minds with Akeem, Dan walked in.

Like a man who had just lost his loved one, he walked slowly to his bed and lay down. Akeem gave Matthew a sign, and he got the message as they both walked up to Dan to make inquiries on what was wrong with him.

“I lost my mother more than 3 weeks ago, but look at me, I am back, and I have gotten over it. What has happened to you that you have not been so cheerful lately?” As Akeem made his statement, Matthew knew he had to take a different approach.

“I have had enough of this, Dan. You are not a kid. If it’s something that serious, you know you can confide in us. Why not put yourself together and say something? You’re a man! Not a mere civilian!” Like a frustrated nanny tired of petting a toddler, Matthew vented his frustration and impatience at Dan.

“Guys, it’s not my fault; I loved this lady with all my heart, and she betrayed my trust!” Dan was almost in tears, but his friends were rather amused. Like comic relief amidst a tragic drama, Matthew and Akeem struggled to hold their laughter as they both chorused, “This is all because of a girl? She broke your heart?”

Unknown to the three friends, Officer Jasper was at the entrance of their tent, listening to their conversations, and when they saw him enter, the trio adjusted their positions to deliver a proper salute. After returning the gesture, Officer Jasper gave an order none of them expected.

“Matthew and Akeem, give me 50!” As they both went on the pushup spree, Officer Jasper added, “Dan, make sure they finish the task, and afterwards, meet me in my office.” Like a victorious sibling who won an argument against his folks, Dan was happy that his friends got punished for making jokes about him.

As Dan got to Officer Jasper’s office, Captain Stone was already seated, and he wasn’t sure whether he would be scolded or consoled.

“It’s alright; I also once had a heartbreak, and I know how you feel, lad. I need you to cheer up and get all this behind you.” As Captain Stone made his statements, Dan was happy and couldn’t hide it, as a broad smile traveled across his face. But before he could thank the captain, he heard what he never expected.

“I may be a bit soft on you for now, but the next time you keep such a matter to yourself without speaking up, I’ll deal with you myself. Now chin up, lad!” As Captain Stone concluded his statements, Dan got his message.

“This is a soldier’s camp, not a mother’s gathering; get your acts together!” Dan said to himself.

avatar a soldier who has been through thick and thin couldn't get past a girl breaking his heart without acting out

Girls get power last last


😆😆you can say that again. Girls have power.. thank you for reading and contributing.🙏🙂


A beautiful written story, sometimes I see soldiers and it seems they are superhumans and not affected by things that affect us civilians but this just serves as a reminder of their human nature.
Well written piece, I enjoyed the read.


Thank you so much for your contribution. I think a lot of people have the same notion about soldiers. In the end we are all humans like you said. 🙏🙏Thanks again🤗🤗🤗
