A Little Here, A Little There


Variety is the spice of life

The above is an age-long and popularly used quote in this part of the world and I see truism in it. In life, many things are not meant to be constant because dynamism itself is the basis of human existence. If you do things as it was in the beginning and you still have the plan to keep doing it that way now and forever, then the very spice of life has been lost. It is when you employ dynamism in your approach to life that the beauty of life emerges. Always remember that for you to have an entirely new result from your last one, you have to do something different from what you did last time.


Image from Pixabay

If you decide to eat one single type of food for the rest of the year because it is your favourite food, a point will come when you will get tired of the food and you will even lose appetite at the sight of the food. But if you complement it with other foods and try other cuisines out, your appetite will constantly be piqued. In the same way, in life, you have to experiment other methods, find out other ways of doing things, find new paths, chart new course, and blaze new trail. Imagine if someone never moved to invent the internal combustion engines, we would have been stuck with steam engine in cars today. Even now, the internal combustion engines are being replaced by electric motors - in electric cars.

Without dynamism, even science and invention will not be possible. This is because, more often than not, for new inventions to happen, some methods have to be overridden, abandoned, or improved on. All these point out to "dynamism." Even in other aspects of life, you have to try out new things: a little attempt here and a little attempt there. As a matter of fact, it is the combination of these attempts that create the required "ingredients" to spice up your life. When you are preparing your favourite cuisine for example, you will be required to combine certain ingredients in certain measures to get the desired beautiful taste. In the same way, experiences are what give you the beauty of life.

Nothing teaches better lessons than experience. So to learn more in life and to apply more, you should be ready to do more, take more steps, take that risk, move out of your comfort zone, try out new things. It is true that some of them may work for you and some may not work at the first attempt, but it is better than not trying at all. After all, you will not know if it will work or not until you have tried it. More so, even if you try it and it does not work, it will give you the required experience to try better next time.

Just to let you know, no experience is bad to the person that is result-oriented and optimistic. It is either they succeed at the attempt or they use it to learn a lesson and acquire an experience that will help them to succeed at their subsequent attempts. So you see, no room for the feeling of failure. When you remove the mentality of failure from your mind, you will not be afraid to try something new. This is because fear limits actions and does not support risks. Without taking risk, the beautiful things of life may never be discovered.


Image from Pixabay

As you wake up in the morning, you have to make up your mind to do something positive and try out something new. Set targets and put in actions to meet your targets. Even if you did not hit the target precisely, you will be glad you have made an attempt, and it will set a precedence for other targets. This brought to mind the words of my friend as I conclude with it, he said:

If you aim at the sun, even if you did not hit the target, you will fall among the other stars in the universe, and it will still be a plus.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


hei man, thankyou for sharing this .
i agree about what you said.
also enjoy the process, everything takes time, be commited to doing your best each day.


That's right, the process may take time but it will be worth it. So we move, regardless.

Thanks buddy


Variety is the spice of life, wow, that's so true. A wise man once said, you can't keep doing the same thing every time and expect a different result and that's just it.

Most people fail because they refuse to try a different approach to things. They are so myopic in the way they think and do things. They will prefer to keep doing that same thing in the same way by saying if they try it in another way, which means they are giving up but that is bullshit.

The ability for us to know when to try a different method is something that will help us attain success in no time.

Thank you for always sharing thoughtful words with us dear. It's been a while, how have you been?
