Do You Take Out Time To Rest?


Life is not as serious as many people think, so try to rest. It is weird to see people think that resting is an act of laziness or weakness but they do not know that resting is actually healthy. Working and working without resting will definitely become counterproductive. This is because if you break down along the line, the same work that you have been pursuing after will be halted. Imagine using your mobile phone for days straight without allowing it to rest nor recharge, a point will come when the phone will begin to malfunction out of over-usage. This same thing can also occur when you overwork your body without giving it time to rest.


Image from Pixabay

The truth is that, in your place of work, if you think that you are indispensable and as such you want to push yourself above your limit, if your break down, you will be surprised that there are more capable hands that will replace you at the instance. Nothing is worth sacrificing your life for. It is better to willingly take some rest as at when due because "rest" is not something you can cheat. It is either you take it willingly or your body decides when to forcefully take it and that means you have already broken down. You can only delay rest but you cannot deny your body of it without it fighting back and taking it even without your consent.

After you have put in efforts and have expended some energy, there is a need for you to recharge yourself and that is called "rest." The reason why many places of work give their workers annual leave is not because they like seeing you stay at home and not come to work but because they know that when you rest, you will be better productive at work. Do not feel that without you, the whole world will pause and you use it as an excuse to over-work yourself. Sadly enough, if anything happens to you, they may only miss you for a few days (if they will), and they will find your perfect replacement, if not someone better than you.

There are many health challenges that people face today which can simply be avoided if they take out time out of their busy schedule to rest. It is true that the world is getting busy as the days go by, but you should also know your limit. Anytime you push yourself beyond your limit, the law of diminishing return may set in. If you observe well, you will agree with me that you are better productive at work during the morning time or early hours of the day than later the day when you are already tired. This goes to prove to you that you cannot cheat nature because nature will always strike back. Each time you are going against what is stipulated by nature, there are bound to be consequences.

You do not have to expend your whole energy before you become productive. There are always easier, better, and faster ways of getting things done without breaking a bone. More so, you should apply wisdom while working, that is; know when to work and when to take a break from work. Always remember that he who works today and rests will live to work tomorrow.


Image from Pixabay

I ask you sincerely, when was the last time you took a few days vacation and maybe spend it with your family members or close buddies? All these are what matter to the total wellbeing of any individual. The truth is, in the moment of challenge, your recent work may not come through for you. Your job may not help you out of loneliness, but your family will always stick around. So you should set your priorities aright.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


I simply don't know how to rest and I know its bad. I hardly go out, hardly spend time with friends and even managed to send all my friends away. Im just so fortunate one devides to still stay.Do you know even when I try to lay down and rest, it will feel like I'm doing something wrong. I'm always of the notion that I need to be doing something at that moment. Finally I will end up finding something to do most of the times drawing. It's even easier now that I have an ipad.

Now I'm trying to take a new turn. I spend time with my family, see movies, gist and do whatever I can with them. I hope it gets better and I'm able to extend that with my friends. Thanks for the amazing post.


It's great that you're now trying to take a new turn. Rest is very necessary, not just for the body, but for the mind.

Thanks friend
