Facing Your Greatest Fears


One of the major things that limit people's advancement in life is fear. More often than not, people are victims of what they fear the most because their inactions are empowering the fear without them knowing. What fear does is to present someone with a false evidence which takes on the facade of reality and makes the person believe in the fears and hampering their motion. However, whenever you dare to attempt what you have been afraid of, you will realise that your fears are nonexistent.


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You will be surprised to know that it may be the action that you are so scared of that will be the breakthrough step that you have been waiting for. More often than not, fears are not based on logic, neither are they rational but they are only created by one's mentality and then grew over time. Furthermore, most of the fears known to humans are not congenital, that is humans were not born with them (with the exception of fear of falling and of loud noise that scientists have indicated to be inherited in humans at birth). This means that over the course of your life, the fears you have were acquired and they became part of you.

Now, one may ask how they can overcome fears. Firstly; take a step towards the line of your fears (that is, face your fears). You will be surprised that the moment you take a step towards your fear, you will discover that you have been fearing in vain all these while. Obviously, many of the things that people fear are only resident in their mentality and not something in reality. This is just like a pool of water appears on a the road on a hot day. However, if you decide to go closer to the supposed pool of water, you will discover that it was just a mirage and it will fizzle out as you appreciate it.

Without taking the conscious steps to face your fears, you will live your life still believing in a fear that does not exist in reality and then you may ultimately become a victim of that particular fear. Fear has been one of the major limitations to taking risks and of a truth, risks are prerequisite for success. So if fear can stop you from taking risks, then it has ultimately stopped you from achieving success. Always take the step towards your dreams and towards what you believe in. Even if someone else has failed at it before, it does not automatically mean you will experience the same failure. More so, even if you had initially failed at it, you can also turn things around by trying again, so remove the fear that you will fail again.


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When the first attempt to launch humans to the moon was made, it went south and killed the entire crew members on board upon takeoff. However, this did not stop the Apollo 11 crew from trying again. They tried again with three crew members (Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin) and they finally made it up to the moon and became the first humans to achieve that feat. This feat was what opened humankind up to a whole new level of possibilities in space travel. If they had been scared to relaunch humans to moon after the first failure, this possibility would have eluded humanity.

If you know what you are missing by allow fear to stop you from making moves and taking risks, you will face that fear. What you are scared of is just waiting for you to make moves before it will leave you alone. The truth is that even if you try and did not achieve what you had intended to, it is still better than not trying at all. At least you have fought against fear and you have gotten more experiences to help make the next attempt better. So take that step today, dare that risk, make the moves, and watch as fear will leave you alone. I conclude with this quote by Joseph Campbell as a I paraphrase:

The cave you fear the most usually holds the precious treasures you seek the most.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Yes, it is really important and necessary to face our fears, it's just a bit wrong to face them in a hurry. I made the same mistake, and what happens is that if this moment of confrontation fails, it becomes a trauma.
For example, someone who is afraid of spiders, and their friend gives them a tarantula spider. 😪
Other fears, fears related to more general aspects of life, are quite understandable. The approach you have written about them is absolutely right.


You are right throughout our lives we experience situations facing fears that some of us even acquired and became part of our lifestyles. Thanks @samminator for sharing this kind of content.


I tell you, fear is one major thing that makes people embedded with high-end potentials never realise up to a percentage of their innate worth. As you said, fear creates false evidence to act as real. But it is only a facade. Truly, facing it is the best way to overcome it else one can languish in that shackle. Not necessarily facing them in one big hit but even small strategic ways will do justice on the long run.
