Just keep Moving Forward


I remember when I was learning how to ride bicycle as a kid. The first day I rode alone without someone holding the bicycle for me, I fell off the bicycle. When my tutor asked why I fell off, I simply told him that I wanted to halt the bicycle at a point and it lost balance. He smiled calmly and said to me "you need to keep going in order to maintain balance." These words sank deep into me so much that I had to relate it with other life's cases. In deed, I figured out that in life, to prevent yourself for falling for anything, you have to be busy with something. Just keep going.


Image from Pixabay

There is a reason why, in a car, the windscreen is so big, even bigger than the side mirror. This is because your forward movement is more important. Same way in life, what matters is that you keep going forward and making advancements. It is true that there are many things that may come to challenge you on the way to the actualization of your goal, but you should not give heed to them so as not to be distracted from your ultimate goal. It is even when challenges come that you are supposed to keep putting in your best. Just like I normally tell people "the point you feel like you do not want to move again is the point you should keep moving, because you are already close to your breakthrough."

There was a story I once heard about a particular specie of bamboo tree that has unique properties. During the first few years of planting, there will be nothing to show for it, and it will literally be stunted, but you do not have to give up on tending and nurturing it. With constant nurturing, even when it does not seem like it is responding to any of them, after a few years, it will suddenly begin to spring forth, and in just about one year, it will grow to become one of the longest bamboo trees in the world. But if you had given up on tending for it, you will not know what will eventually become of the bamboo tree. Similarly, in life, no matter what comes your way, always know that there is something called "forward."

The truth is, even if you have experienced success in the past, you should not also be limited by it, but keep going forward and keep improving. There are some people that think that the success they have attained is a destination for them and they stop trying. It will not be long and they will start to lose relevance. When you achieve one success, after you have celebrated it, you have to move forward and not dwell on it. Just as many things are bound by time, even success is also affected by the passage of time and should be constantly improved on.

Many people are constantly being reminded that failure is not the end, that they should try and keep trying to make success. However, some of these people are not also reminded that even success is not final. Yes, at the achievement of success, you should understand that there is still room for more success. Each time you take a recess from improving on your success, they will start becoming stale. You will agree with me that there are many marvels of the world in the ancient times that do not make it to the front door in this modern era. This is to show you how dynamic the world is, and as such, you need to employ dynamism in your approach to life. Do not allow anything to limit you to one spot - not even success nor failure; so keep moving.


Image from Pixabay

It is true that sometimes, a feeling of "giving up" may arise. At least, many of us have experienced such feelings and even those that are successful have also experienced such feelings. However, that point is the point you are required to put in your best and get going, because you are already close to your breakthrough. Always remember that until success is achieved, giving up is not an option. Even after success is achieved, you should also attempt more successes.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Hmmm! These are deep words ..life nuggets. I couldn't help but nod my head all through as I read through the wise words. Achieving success is not the end because there is room for more success. That was deep. I loved every part of this post but one sentence I am taking with me is

the point you feel like you do not want to move again is the point you should keep moving, because you are already close to your breakthrough."

I guess this is why it is darkest before dawn.


Thanks a lot for the nice comment dear, I'm really honoured.
Stay blessed


Not looking back is a biblical mandate, continuing to move forward is a way of respecting and accepting everything we have left behind, staying with the positive in order to set goals that will lead us to success. Thank you @samminator for this reading.


That's right, we have a mandate to keep moving forward.
Thanks dear friend


Honestly, your scenario here is what made me stop learning to rde bicycle... For me also, the pedals were naked and it bruised my leg, I still have the scar to show for it..

There is a reason why, in a car, the windscreen is so big, even bigger than the side mirror. This is because your forward movement is more important.

Kai, I am fired...!!

Mehn, I have been motivated.... Basically, we mouvveee


Hahahaha. I guess we all have experiences with bicycles.
Thanks a lot for your nice comment buddy, you're appreciated.


Maybe that was what produced wahala be like bicycle. 😂
