Living A Life Of Positivity And Gratitude


If we always focus on the good and positive things of life, we will see many reasons to be grateful. It is true that in life, challenges are bound to occur because even life itself is ladened with uncertainties. However, you are still making progress and as such, you should be grateful. You need to shift your dominant attention from what you think is against you and focus more on the things that are in your favour. If you focus on the negative sides, it will prevent you from seeing the positive sides and this will make you to lose the sense of gratitude. But focusing on the positive side of life will increase your heart of gratitude.


Image from Pixabay

The reason why it seems like the level of gratitude among many people is dwindling is because they feel that they are entitled to everything that they got. Well, just to let you know, even life itself is not an entitlement but as a result of privileges, so be grateful. If you think that you are the most qualified for the things that you got, you will be surprised to know that there are many more qualified people than you that have not even gotten a part of what you have. If you will be able to think well, that is give life a positive thought, you will see many things to be grateful for.

Most times, what normally hinder people from accessing future favour is their lack of gratitude for the last favour. In its true sense, lack of gratitude can be seen as an exhibition of pride and no one wants to be associated with a proud person. If you have received anything good, then it is demanded of you to show gratitude. Of course, there is no favour, no matter from whom it is shown that is too small to be appreciated. Appreciating someone (even your subordinate) for an act of favour is not a show of weakness but of humility, humanity, and strength. No wonder this popular Southwestern Nigerian proverb says:

Bowing down to appreciate someone does not reduce your height

You do not lose your self worth by showing appreciation or gratitude, but you even become a better human by that. More so, when you show gratitude for something that was done for you in the past, you are simply paving the way for more favours in the future. I ask you, if you do some acts of favour to two people and only one person shows gratitude, when it is time to show favour to someone in the future, who will be your first choice? Obviously the person that showed gratitude for the last favour.

There may come to a point where it may look like many things are in your odds and it may look like you have hoped against hope without anything coming to actualization. It may also look as if you have not received your expectations. However, if you think about the positive things of life, you will come to the realisation that there are very many things that you have either received or achieved without working for it and even without qualifying for it. This is the kind of mind you need in order to assume a state of continual gratitude. Take for example; instead of thinking and complaining about lack of shoes, it is better to be thankful about the fact that you have feet, which some people don't.


Image from Pixabay

Before you complain, take a moment to think of the people that hope to get what you complain about. If you complain about not getting a job after graduating from school, a lot of others are hoping to even get the opportunity to go through school. If you complain about giving birth to only on particular gender, remember that some people have none and are hoping to get anyone at all. So you see, at any point you are in your life, if only you can learn to focus and think on the positive things of life, you will have more reasons than you will even expect to be thankful and grateful.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


As someone told me, when you focus on one side of the coin you won't see the other. Same as when one focuses on the positive side of an occurence we won't see the negative!
Every in this life is a privilege really, that is why anybody who has pride should go for checkup..😅


Nice words here, we should focus more on the positive side of life that will give us reasons to be grateful.

Thanks buddy
