Living For Others And For Humanity


When a tree brings forth its fruits, the tree itself does not eat the fruit it bears but it is being eaten by humans. Similarly, a river that distributes water to others does not drink its own water, just the way the rays of the sun is not meant for sun itself but for others. In the same way, there is a golden mandate by nature to everyone and that is "living for others." Your humanity is not proven by what you have nor by who you are, but by how you have affected humankind positively. That is, it is how you have lived for others that counts, not living for yourself alone.


Image from Pixabay

What makes flowers unique is because they do not just keep their fragrance to themselves, they spread it for others too. In anything that you do, you should have others in mind so that it will be worthwhile. The reason you are here is not to live for yourself but to help one another. The truth is that, it does not matter the level at which you are at the moment, there is still something that you can help humanity with. You will agree with me that there is a level of happiness that comes to you when you cause others to be happy by your good acts towards them.

Your memory will be remembered by one of two things: the problems you were able to solve with your actions, or the problems you created with your actions - the choice is yours. In the midst of darkness, the solution lies in light. So any amount of light you provide to someone in darkness will go a long way to create a lasting impact in his life and make a huge difference. In the same way, in a trying and challenging times of life, the little help that you offer to someone might be all that his hope will hinge on.

There are many people that are going through rough and difficult times that you may be the only hope that they have to survive. If you cannot provide hope to them, at least do not add to their difficulty. Remember that you are to provide solution to problems, not to create problems. Many people are in pursuit of their happiness even at the expense of someone else, and their happiness is all that matters to them. However, ultimate happiness is created when others are happy because of you. That is, making others to be happy.

Have you ever asked yourself this: "what will people think of you if they remember you, will they be happy or will they hiss at your memory?" This brought to mind the quote from the Holy Book as I paraphrase:

The memory of the good person is blessed

You cannot force people to create a good memory of you, you cannot force humanity to remember you positively, you can only earn it by your good actions. We are all hoping for the world to be a better place for us to live in, but one thing to know is that this does not come automatically at the snap of a finger, you obviously have a part to play. As a matter of fact, the good that you want to see in the world and how good you want your environment to be should begin with you. It is when you have fulfilled your own part and others have done their own part that the world can be a better place.


Image from Pixabay

You do not have to wait for others to show their own goodness to you before you act goodly. For the sake of humanity, you should set the precedence with your own acts of goodness, so that others can follow. If everyone was to wait for someone else to act first before they can show their acts of goodness, the world would be so messed up. The truth is; in a cruel and vicious world, you can still make the difference by being different.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all
