Secrets To A Happy Living [Part 1]


A lot of people have wished to live a happy life in this world that is full of uncertainties and cruelties. Most times, the human mind tilts negatively because of how the brain is wired, and as such, makes the person to become unhappy. However, there are things to do to increase one's level of happiness. It is worthy to note that there is gain in happiness, but then, happiness is a choice and the choice you need to make consciously. Now let us take a quick workout on how to increase happiness.


Image from Pixabay

1. Keep Your Mind Focused on Positivities

This point is often ignored by many but it is the foundation upon which the other ones are built. The truth is, in life, there are always challenges, but it does not mean that is no time that you have experienced victories. More so, the fact that you have needs that have not been met does not mean that you do not have the ones that have been met. The truth is, even if there are things that you have wished for and did not receive, there are also things that you never wished for but they came anyway. So instead of focusing on the negative side, it will do you more good to focus more on the positive side.

When you pause for a while to recount your numerous blessings, you will not only be happy but you will become more grateful. Sometimes, people are so busy reminding themselves of what they wish to have and what they want to do but they tend to forget what they have and what they need to do. No matter how a situation is, there must be at least on positive thing which you can focus on. Instead of feeling unhappy for what you do not have, why not feel happy and grateful for what you have?

2. Avoid Comparison

I once told someone:

One thing that makes people to be unhappy is to compare themselves with others.

Most times, when you compare yourself with others, what you are simply doing is to compare you "lows" with their "highs". Do not allow someone's possession or what they have to set a standard for you. Understand that your lives are different and so also your standards. It does not matter what they have or what you do not have, try to be contented with the ones you have and you will be happy.

Someone else may have something that you do not have but the truth is that you have something that they do not have and for that, you should be happy. Someone's success can serve as a motivation to you, which is very good, but do not use it to set a standard for yourself, to avoid putting yourself under undue pressure or seeing yourself as a failure.

3. Celebrate Your Wins

It does not matter how little your victories may appear to be, always learn to celebrate them. This will give you the happiness that, at least, you are making positive advancements. Even though you may not have gotten to the place you have earnestly desired to be, but for every successful step that you take, you should be grateful and happy. It is true that life may present you with challenges, but even in the midst of the challenges, there will be victories here and there. These victories are more than enough to be happy.


Image from Pixabay

If you look at your wishlist from way back, you will realise that some of the items there are already fulfilled. You do not have to wait until you win the whole world before you become happy. For your little wins, you should be happy because it will motivate you for a bigger win.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all
