Secrets To A Happy Living [Part 2]


A few days back, we considered a few points to boost our happiness level so as to be able to through the meanness and vexations of this modern world. The truth is, if you desire happiness, then you will have to work it out yourself because it is purely a choice. There are many people that are passing through similar or even worse cases than you but have maintained their joy and happiness, why not you? Here, we will take a look at a few more tips to get handy with in order to continue to flow in happiness.


Image from Pixabay

1. Accept Your Imperfections and Work on Them

We have to realize that we are not omnipotent and that humans have flaws. This will enable your to channel your expectations aright. Expecting perfection from an Imperfect human (including yourself) will make you to be disappointed and may dampen your happiness. This is not saying that you should settle for less, but the knowledge of your flaws will enable you to know how to work on them. The knowledge of your imperfections is what you need to keep pushing yourself to become better.

Trying to convince yourself that you are perfect whereas you are not, will give you a feeling of false hope and may become counterproductive in the long run and may cost you your happiness instead of making you to be happy. At this point in life, you should be able to accept the part of yourself that you cannot change, then this will give you the oomph to change the part that you can change. However, you will need an adequate amount of maturity to be able to differentiate between the both.

2. Enjoy the Moment

It is the present moment, if well spent, that will give birth to the kind of future that you desire. The hope of a better tomorrow should start from the full maximization of the present moment. Instead of allowing your thoughts to hover around the uncertainties of the future or around the past, it is better to live and enjoy the moment. The truth is, the past is already long gone, the future is yet to come, but the present moment is all you have, so live it well and maximise every moment that you have. A friend of mine once said and I quote:

When living, maximise each moment as if it's your last.

What the above simply means is that you should be focused on appreciating what each moment brings and then live to make the most out of it. You will agree with me that it does not matter what each moment brings, there must be a positive side to it which you can focus on and be happy. The truth is that to be happy or not to be happy is basically a product of the choice that has to make.

3. Giving Back to Others

More often than not, the feeling of happiness can be triggered when you are moved to sow an act of kindness to others. Basically, when you give to people and when you extend a hand of love to them, they will become happy. Obviously, happiness also begets happiness. Just like the pipe that transmits water does not become dry, the person that creates happiness does not lack happiness.


Image from Pixabay

More often than not, generosity creates happiness. Over the years, I have discovered that each time I do something to cause someone to be happy (like giving to them, showing them acts of love, etc), my own heart is filled with happiness too. So to reap happiness, you have to also sow happiness.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all
