Showing Sign of Maturity


It is worthy to note that maturity has almost nothing or little to do with age. As a matter of fact, you can see someone that is young and acting very maturely while an elderly person may act in opposite way. With the advent of digital multimedia, the kind of information that is available at the disposal of everyone (especially youths) is so alarming that they can lay their hands on a host of materials. No wonder it has been observed that kids in this era show signs of maturity way faster than their counterparts from the last two centuries.


Image from Pixabay

However, the maturity that is predominantly noticeable among youths is in the area of intelligence but when it comes to being emotionally matured, they may still be found wanting. This is because, just like age, intelligence also has little to do with emotional maturity - which is the maturity under consideration here. The truth is, experience and maturity are mutually dependent.

Maturity is, more often than not, a resultant effect of one's experiences, relationships, and interactions over time. That is, more thing is learnt by experience than by reading about it. Thus, making the person more matured. More so, there are manifestations that go to prove the maturity level of an individual.

The first and the most important one is in the area of taking responsibility for their actions. Avoiding responsibility or trading one's responsibility does not show a sign of maturity. You have to realize that every action (and inactions) or yours will often deliver its accrued costs and effects. However, It takes a considerable level of maturity for the person to welcome the responsibilities that arise from the results of the action. At some points, your actions may not seem too right but one thing is, if you do not bear the responsibility for them, you will not be able to learn from them and you are liable to make the same mistake again.

Taking responsibility also covers the area of decision making. You have to grow to a point that you will be able to make the right decisions without allowing your emotions or sentiment to affect your sense of judgement and your perception. The outcome of one's life is basically all about the decisions they have made and the effects of the decisions. The truth is, there is no decision that you take that will not have a result - either positive or negative. So to have a positive result in the future, you must consider it in your present decision and make the right decision.

Another sign that shows how one is matured is the way they respond to corrections, criticisms etc. Some people only love to be praised but when you want to correct or criticise them, they will not welcome it and they will continue in their errors. Obviously, this does not show maturity. You have to understand that, as human, you cannot be right everytime because you are not perfect. However, you should also be willing to welcome corrections if you want to get better.

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Image from Pixabay

Trying to convince yourself that you are right when your are not, or trying to give excuses for your wrong action does not show maturity. What you need to do is to accept that you did something wrong, take full responsibility for it, then learn from your mistakes and become better.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all
