The Act Of Rejoicing With People That Rejoice


There is one thing I have noticed in life: you tend to attract what you celebrate. For people that are always quick to celebrate the successes and blessings of other people, they will readily attract their own blessings. Friendship is not only about standing by people in their trying times but also rejoicing with them in their moments of celebration. As a matter of fact, the person that is only quick to sympathise with you when bad things happen to you but will not come to celebrate with you when good things happen to you is not your friend, so do not be beclouded by their sympathy. I mean, are they always expecting bad things to keep happening to you to that they will show their sympathy?


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One of my friends told me something a few days ago which also pointed out to one of the benefits of celebrating and rejoicing with people. His neighbour bought a new car and he was happy for him and even went to congratulate him. To also add to it, he promised to give him free gas for his car for 1 week. This touched him and he asked him what he does at the moment. He told him, but his neighbour asked him if he wanted a change of job, of which he responded in the affirmative. That was how he offered him an employment in his company with a salary package of more than 3x his former place of work. You see, if he had stayed in his house and did not go to celebrate with his neighbour, he would have missed out of the opportunity. I am sure that many people have heard this statement:

We rise by lifting others

This is true but you also make yourself available to be lifted. You cannot stay in isolation and expect some kinds of favour to locate you. There is a need to for you relate with people, join in their happiness, be part of their lives and you will be surprised how you will easily rise with them. You will agree with me that when you stay around open flames, you will attract the smell of the flames. In the same way, when you stay around successful people, it will not be long and you follow the path that they did which brought them success. Something as negligibly as a good compliment might be all you need to attract some kinds of favour.

The truth is that if good things start to happen to your friends and the people you acquaint with, you should be happy for them and also celebrate that, because this also proves one thing: goodness has arrived within your circle and your turn is coming. It is possible for everyone among your friends (including you) to be blessed, so do not think that someone else's blessings will prevent you from having your own blessing, so celebrate with them. It may even be in the course of celebrating with them over their own wins that will make your own win to come.


Image from Pixabay

I remember a few weeks back, a friend invited me to his induction ceremony. Even though it was outside my schedule but I still had to honour the invitation. The interesting part is that, there was an old friend that I needed his services but could not get it because I had lost contact with him and all attempts to get his contact did not yield positively. When I attended my friend's induction, behold, I saw that same guy there, I quickly connected with him and he rendered the service to me. Imagine if I had declined the invitation of my friend, I would not have known that I would meet the opportunity that I have been waiting for there.

If you have the nature of rejoicing with people in their moment of celebration, you will almost always have your own moments of celebration too. This is because, in life and in reality, likes will always be attracted to likes. Also know that it is when you celebrate others for their wins that the celebration will be given to you for your own wins.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all
