The Universal Language Of Love


There is a language that everyone, irrespective of their tribe, nationality, background, ethnicity, disposition, belief, or status understands - the language of love. Everything may fail, like money, beauty, etc, but love endures and that is the basis upon which our humanity should be built. The numerous bad things that are witnessed in the world today is just an expression of lack of love. In this era, many people have misrepresented love to mean what it is not, just to justify their inhuman and inhumane actions. If we have sincere love in our hearts, we will not wish bad for someone else.


Image from Pixabay

Love should be to all and not just to a particular group of selected people. In this era, many people have tilted from loving humans and humanity to loving material things - money et al. No wonder they are willing to go to any length without minding on whose toes they step on just to get what they want. More so, others have also misrepresented love to mean the lust of the flesh. It is worthy to note that love is different from lust because the former seeks for the good of others while the latter seeks for only selfish gains.

Help people in need. It is true that you may not be able to help the entire world but in your own capacity and within your neighbourhood, there is someone that needs your help, you do not have to deny them the help. For example, as a young person, you may be seated in the bus and an elderly person comes in or maybe someone that you know cannot stand for long and there is no seat again in the bus, you can sacrifice your own seat and stand. The person may not be able to pay you back but that is what humanity demands and it will make you a better human.

It is worth mentioning that sacrifices and love are mutually inclusive. By sacrifice, I mean; it may cost you something that may not be convenient but it is required. Another way to show love to others is by giving - which entails material things, etc. You cannot claim that you love your neighbour but you see him hungry and without food and you turn away from him, yet you have excess in your house. The little thing you give to someone might make so much impact in the person's life and may even rekindle his hope of living. When showing love, the primary aim should not be for the person to reciprocate. The person may not even be able to pay you back but it should not limit your heart or love.

If you show love to only the people that you are expecting some form of gratification from, then you are simply doing business and not showing love. For example, if you are good to your boss in the office and to your supervisors, but you become cruel to your driver or your gate man, then you do not have a heart of love. Always remember that love is in deeds and the deed is to everyone. Love is not in words. You may tell someone "I love you," but is your action complementing it? What people see is how you act towards your fellow humans and not the words you speak. So don't just profess love, act love too.


Image from Pixabay

Love means doing good and not evil. If you have love in your heart, you will not be part of where they are planning someone's hurt and you will not support evil. One thing to note is that your heart of love is not a function of what others have done or have not done, neither is it a function of your environment, but a function of who you are. You have to first have love for yourself so that the same love will flow to others. For example; if you cannot forgive yourself for what you did in time past, you may also not be able to forgive others of their offences. So you see, the journey to having a better humanity begins with becoming a better human yourself.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all
