Your Acts Of Kindness Matter A Lot


There are sometimes that a random act of kindness you show to someone might be the only hope that they have. You will be surprised to know how very cruel the world has become that your acts of kindness may be the light that someone needs to shine in darkness. You will agree with me that everyone likes kindness to be shown to them (including you). However, the beauty of life is not only to be a recipient of kindness but to also show the same kind of kindness to others. Moreover, we have to remember that you have to put your humanity first.


Image from Pixabay

Why it looks like the world is becoming unkind is that many people are now busy with chasing material things and their love for vain things have increased at the expense of their love for people, and as such, their level of kindness has dropped drastically. This is why you have to allow your own kindness to be felt by the world. It is true that you may not be able to change the entire world for good but in your own little way, you can do something to affect your immediate environment positively, and when others do the same thing, the world will be a better place.

It is worthy to note that the thing that mostly build the relationship of people is not by being good-looking but by being kind. There is a form of beauty that you radiate simply by being kind and good. The only statement that you can make to some passing through intense challenges that will make sense to him is by being nice to him. You will agree with me that if someone is thirsty, there is nothing you will say that will make him to feel satisfied or will quench his thirst apart from offering him water to drink.

We should not overlook the power that is in a seemingly small act of kindness. Now I ask you, how many times have you caused someone to laugh by reason of your acts of kindness? When was the last time you helped someone in need, or fed someone that is hungry, or clothed someone that is naked, or came to the rescue of someone that is homeless? All these are what make us humans, and that will be how your memory will be remembered when you have gone. You may not know, but a sincere "thank you" from the mouth of someone the you have shown acts of kindness to has unimaginable blessings in it.

In your acts of kindness, it should not be selective. That is, you should show kindness for the sake of humanity, not because you are expecting the person to pay you back. As a matter of fact, if everyone that you show kindness to are the people that can pay you back, then you are only doing business and not being kind. The beauty of kindness is when it also extends to people that cannot pay you back, then you know you are indeed kind. For example, as you are kind to your bosses in the office, also learn to be kind to your domestic staff - your nanny, cleaners, gardeners, chef, etc because they will need it more. Someone that is only kind to the people above him in social status or his superiors but not kind to them that are below him and claim to be nice is not nice at all. This is because kindness has to be total for it to count as kindness.


Image from Pixabay

There is no way you can overcome this unkind world without kindness. Of course, darkness cannot fight against or overcome another darkness, but light can. In the same way, it takes the power of kindness to overcome cruelty. Do not be quick to buttress or consolidate on the dark side of people and constantly fight them for that, because you may eventually turn into the same monsters that you were fighting in people. So take your attention off the negative sides of people and focus more on how to use your own positive attitudes (your acts of kindness) to salvage the world around you. Remember, it is from making your immediate environment better that you can progress to making the world a better place.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


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Thanks buddy


Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work


Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work


Kindness can spread. The kindness you show someone is often passed on over and over. Thanks for dharing.


That's right. We should let our kindness to spread to everyone.

Thanks buddy


Yes, we can bring light into darkness with even just a little bit of compassion and kindness. And we all should really try harder to spread that light. Like being nice and kind when it isn't easy.


This is a well-said reality. Its very clear
