The Feeling Of Disappointment [ENG-ESP]

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Hello Everyone,

I appreciate the warm welcome on my last post where I talked about the role of emotions in our decision-making. Every time I make a post in this community expressing how I feel, I end up feeling a lot better.

Today, I want to talk about something that I've always had to think of in my whole life. The feeling of disappointment. First I'm going to explain what disappointment means to me, Then I will talk about why I always feel disappointed. Then talk about some ways I've tried to handle the feeling of being disappointed.


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Disappointment is that emotion I feel when the outcome doesn't match my my expectation. Disappointment often comes from failed planning, bad partnership or some unexpected factor that I didn't put into calculation. when I get disappointed, or when I feel my work is going south, I start feeling sad, frustrated and sometimes I cannot do something else because I'm already disappointed.


Well, disappointment is one of the most complex feelings because it carries a lot of emotions with it. As I explained, disappointment is when something doesn't go as planned or you didn't get what you hoped for and your expectations are cut short. That's where the feeling of disappointment comes in.

I'm a man that tries to give himself a goal or target to meet, So I get easily frustrated when things I planned don't go well.

I always feel disappointed because I know have to try again and it makes me feel bad because I might eventually not get it right.

I put a lot of effort into anything I do to the best of my knowledge so it's frustrating when I don't get what I hope for.

Disappointment can be terrible because one can end up not returning to the task leaving you at a loose end. The feeling can be so bad because it always stays at the back of your mind matter how you try.


There are many ways I have tried However, I think these are the few methods I've tried that I've brought a form of peace for me.

Letting it out

This is one solution I found on the internet some years ago. I applied it every time I feel disappointed. I just called someone a friend or sometimes someone I don't know and rant about my frustrations and disappointments.

I talk about areas where I could have done it better, Areas where I missed it, I also talk about how strong I'm going to bounce back.
since it's a negative emotion, I try to release it. To be honest, it usually makes me feel better.

It's important to know that I always make sure he or I'm letting it out to understand what I'm about to do because it looks like I am just complaining about how things went wrong even when it could have been done the other way round.


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Staying Positive & Accepting That I Can Do Better

Another way I try to deal with disappointment is by staying positive and accepting that I can do better. Because I know I'm going to try again, I must stay positive. I try to look at things from The Brighter Side and accept my mistakes and work on them.

I think if I could advise someone going through that feeling of disappointment, one of the advice I would give is for one to accept mistakes because it's very important.

if you keep blaming others or looking for someone to put multiple Blame on, you will not be able to get it right next time.

so I think it's very very important that we accept our mistakes and stay positive so we can get it right next time.

In conclusion...

Those are the two ways I try to deal with disappointment. it will be very nice if I get a couple of more ways to handle disappointment. I generally think it's a feeling that I don't like and happens quite often because I put a lot of expectations and targets on myself. sometimes I don't get to achieve them, so I feel very frustrated. Disappointment comes with a lot of sub-emotions like Sadness, and depression, ( that is an extreme one), but all these things happen and one needs to know how to handle the feeling of disappointment.

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Versión en español|| Spanish Version

Hola a todos,

Agradezco la cálida acogida de mi último post en el que hablaba del papel de las emociones en nuestra toma de decisiones. Cada vez que hago un post en esta comunidad expresando lo que siento, acabo sintiéndome mucho mejor.

Hoy quiero hablar de algo que siempre he tenido que pensar en toda mi vida. El sentimiento de decepción. Primero voy a explicar lo que significa la decepción para mí, Luego hablaré de por qué siempre me siento decepcionado. Luego hablaré de algunas formas en las que he tratado de manejar el sentimiento de decepción.


La decepción es la emoción que siento cuando el resultado no coincide con mis expectativas. La decepción suele provenir de una planificación fallida, de una mala asociación o de algún factor inesperado que no he calculado. cuando me decepciono, o cuando siento que mi trabajo se va al traste, empiezo a sentirme triste, frustrado y a veces no puedo hacer otra cosa porque ya estoy decepcionado.

Por qué siempre me siento decepcionado

Bueno, la decepción es uno de los sentimientos más complejos porque conlleva muchas emociones. Como ya he explicado, la decepción se produce cuando algo no sale como habías planeado o no consigues lo que esperabas y tus expectativas se ven truncadas. Ahí es donde aparece el sentimiento de decepción.

Soy un hombre que trata de marcarse una meta o un objetivo que cumplir, así que me frustro fácilmente cuando las cosas que he planeado no salen bien.

Siempre me siento decepcionado porque sé que tengo que volver a intentarlo y me hace sentir mal porque puede que al final no lo consiga.

Pongo mucho empeño en todo lo que hago, así que es frustrante cuando no consigo lo que espero.

La decepción puede ser terrible porque uno puede acabar no retomando la tarea y dejándote en la estacada. La sensación puede ser muy mala porque siempre se queda en el fondo de tu mente por mucho que lo intentes.


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Cómo intento lidiar con la decepción

Hay muchas maneras que he intentado Sin embargo, creo que estos son los pocos métodos que he probado que me han traído una forma de paz.


Esta es una solución que encontré en Internet hace algunos años. La aplico cada vez que me siento decepcionada. Simplemente llamo a un amigo o a veces a alguien que no conozco y despotrico sobre mis frustraciones y decepciones.

Hablo de las áreas en las que podría haberlo hecho mejor, de las áreas en las que fallé, también hablo de lo fuerte que voy a recuperarme.
Como es una emoción negativa, intento liberarla. Para ser sincero, suele hacerme sentir mejor.

Es importante saber que siempre me aseguro de que él o yo lo sueltan para que entiendan lo que voy a hacer, porque parece que sólo me estoy quejando de cómo han ido las cosas, incluso cuando podría haberse hecho al revés.

Mantenerme positivo y aceptar que puedo hacerlo mejor

Otra forma de lidiar con la decepción es mantenerme positivo y aceptar que puedo hacerlo mejor. Como sé que voy a volver a intentarlo, debo mantenerme positivo. Intento ver las cosas desde el lado positivo y aceptar mis errores y trabajar en ellos.

Creo que si pudiera aconsejar a alguien que está pasando por ese sentimiento de decepción, uno de los consejos que le daría es que acepte los errores porque es muy importante.

si sigues culpando a los demás o buscando a alguien a quien echarle múltiples culpas, no podrás hacerlo bien la próxima vez.

así que creo que es muy muy importante que aceptemos nuestros errores y nos mantengamos positivos para poder acertar la próxima vez.

En conclusión...

Estas son las dos formas en las que intento manejar la decepción. sería muy bueno que me dieran un par de formas más de manejar la decepción. En general, creo que es un sentimiento que no me gusta y que ocurre con bastante frecuencia porque me pongo muchas expectativas y objetivos. a veces no los consigo, por lo que me siento muy frustrado. La decepción viene acompañada de un montón de sub-emociones como la tristeza, y la depresión, ( eso es un extremo), pero todas estas cosas suceden y uno necesita saber cómo manejar el sentimiento de decepción.

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The best.jpeg

I am @samostically,I love to talk and write about chess because i benefited alot from playing chess. sometimes i share my thoughts on life in general and i write about my love for hive!
I love to engage with others and i love communication.I believe life is all about staying happy and maintaining peace.


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Thanks For Reading!


personally wouldn't have lived my the saying, "expectation brings with it disappointment" had it not been proven to me time and time again from others, which has caused me to be a bit cynical with my outlook of life, insightful reading this, thank you for sharing your article! ☺️


Personally, I have noticed that when we choose someone to vent our thoughts and disappointments to, it is very helpful if it is someone with more experience in life and also, who loves us very much. Sometimes, it has nothing to do perhaps with the area in which we are disappointed, but is able to understand our feelings and accompany us. In addition, these people are able to not judge you, not to tell others, and even give us a good word to encourage us.💖

Kind regards @samostically 🍬


Thank you so much. I appreciate your feedback and support.

This is another reason I enjoy writing on Hive, It allows me to write about my disappointments too. Take for example, when I lost my mom, I had Hive to write my feelings and I had people here to talk to.

You are right, these people don't judge my situation, they just listen. They listen and advise me just the same way you do here when I make a post.

Thanks and greetings to you too!
