Is it good to rationally ignore something?

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When we feel capable of making a decision it is because we are in the capacity of being able to choose within a number of options the most appropriate option according to our needs but that are really available to us.

Making a decision does not only involve the ability to choose, but also the ability to foresee the possible dangers that we may have in the long term after making what we consider to be the best choice, it is also important that in the long term we can diagnose the probable advantages that each of our decisions may have.

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Making favorable decisions for ourselves implies having a rational capacity to act, especially if in the end these decisions are taken based on what is most convenient for us, but we do not always take the most beneficial option and on the contrary we end up being guided by what we can call rational ignorance, when we use rational ignorance as a useful tool for our benefit is because we designate to our life those situations in which we deduce that the cost for obtaining new knowledge is higher than the advantages that we could obtain if we end up consolidating the same new learning.

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As a conclusion I can say that rational ignorance is an element that if well applied can give us many benefits of choice, since we end up using reason to give priority to what we could spend in time and other costs in a decision that we can simply ignore and that will not have greater repercussions in the future for ourselves.
