Food And Lots Of Love =Happy Puppies (ENG/ESP)


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Breakfast, lunch and dinner are definitely their best times apart from sleeping time 🤗🤗

Having to feed 5 puppies was no small job for Cyclone so we had to give her as much support as possible.

We started to feed our puppies tin milk- since getting a fresh one was nearly impossible being in the South- south region; you could only get such without trying in the northern parts of Nigeria and even if we could get from the shopping mall, it would be outrageously expensive so we settled for the one we could get.

Being lovely puppies as they are, they didn't mind but rushed to get good gulps of the milk down their throats.
In order to avoid more fights among them which was already beginning to happen, we had to feed them individually then together, starting from the smallest puppy (because he was the smallest in size, not necessarily the last born 🙂🙂 we couldn't tell which was first, second, third or fifth).

All the dogs we've had as a family have always been most fond of my Dad, not a surprise for these ones to be also. My Dad did the feeding assisted by my younger brother and I did the smiling and the awwing 🤗🤗
When they had taken all they could, they cuddled themselves and slept peacefully.

That'll be all for now lovelies...

Till next time ...


El desayuno, el almuerzo y la cena son definitivamente sus mejores momentos aparte de la hora de dormir 🤗🤗

Tener que alimentar a 5 cachorros no era un trabajo fácil para Cyclone, así que tuvimos que brindarle todo el apoyo posible. .

Comenzamos a alimentar a nuestros cachorros con leche enlatada, ya que conseguir uno fresco era casi imposible en la región Sur-Sur; solo se podía conseguir sin intentarlo en las partes del norte de Nigeria e incluso si pudiéramos conseguirlo en el centro comercial, sería escandalosamente caro, así que nos conformamos con..el que podríamos conseguir.

Siendo cachorros encantadores como son, no les importó, sino que se apresuraron a conseguir buenos tragos de leche en sus gargantas.

.para evitar más peleas entre ellos que ya comenzaban a suceder, tuvimos que pagarlos individualmente y luego juntos, mirando desde el cachorro más pequeño (porque era el más pequeño en tamaño, no necesariamente el último en nacer 🙂🙂 no podíamos decirlo) cuál fue primero, segundo, tercero o quinto).

.todos los perros que hemos tenido como familia siempre han querido mucho a mi papá, no es una sorpresa que estos también lo sean. Mi papá dio de comer asistido por mi hermano menor y yo hice la sonrisa y el asombro 🤗🤗
Cuando hubieron tomado todo lo que pudieron, se abrazaron y durmieron plácidamente.

.eso es todo por ahora amores...

Hasta la próxima...

All images are mine except stated otherwise...
