No Vocals, Just Playing God



My preference for music are mostly inclined for anything that falls under the rock category and around five months ago now, while browsing through my recommended videos on Youtube, I came across this band called Polypia which is primarily an instrumental progressive rock band which means they made their songs mostly with instruments and for my post today, I will talk about the first song that I heard from them which is Playing God.

Polyphia- Playing God

The song was divided into two parts based on how they change locations. The first part was played on this place that looks like a chapel where three guitarist was on front while the drums was sitting on the back. Their music here was kind of sounds like Jazz with the two guitarist playing with Nylon strings which is from what I learned was very difficult to play compared to steel strings due to it being lighter and the sound will be augmented by electricity which makes mistakes less obvious but it produces a more mellow sound and quite good to the ear. There is also this part where the guitarist on right plays what I can tell is like from Spanish dance but correct me if I'm wrong since the only reference I have was Bulls on the Bronx by Pierce the Veil.😅😅

For the second part, they change to this big mansion for all I know where the guitarist were kind of laid back, sitting on a chair or even lying on the bed that makes playing the songs seams very easy even though its very hard and will tell you how talented this band is. The drumming were also very great but I think it shines most on this part. It's quite fast but the beating was not very heavy which really complements the music. There's also some whistling on the background that gives me a chill vibe.

This is just one of the many wonderful music that Polyphia has made and I think that even if you are not a rock fan like me, this type of music will be to your liking. It does not need words to speak as the music itself was enough to send its message and the pure talent of this band for our eyes to see.

Thank you and see you at the next post.

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The linked video are not owned by me, I am sharing just the link to the copyright owner's video. No copyright infringement is intended.
