Photographing Beauty After Rain


In the cloudy twilight after the rain stopped, I was moved by the natural beauty around where I live. The hidden beauty of nature is so captivating, and I felt compelled to capture it in the form of images. With my magical device, the smartphone, I started taking photos excitedly.

I was fascinated by the red shoots of the plant which were so striking with their bright red color after the rain. Everything looks like a living painting of nature, and I try to capture this beauty in every shot.

Then, my gaze turned to the pothos plants growing gracefully around the hard concrete. It is a beautiful blend of nature and urbanization, where natural and man-made elements come together in charming harmony.

Not to forget, I also discovered israeli grass which danced gently in the wind. This grass seems to invite us to reflect on the small beauty that is often overlooked in our daily activities.

All of this is a reminder that the wonders of nature are always all around us, and I hope that through these images, I can share a little of this beauty with the world, perhaps awakening a greater appreciation for such a wondrous nature.
