Great 3 day weekend in the Outdoors, oldest Son Finally Caught His Carp


3 Day Holiday Weekend

It was a great 3-day holiday weekend. We wanted to get in as much fun in the sun, river time and fishing as we could. We might have had three days they always seem to go too fast and we never want to go back to work. For us this was especially true since this was the last weekend before school started.

Saturday River Fun With Beach, Fishing and Watersports

The first day Saturday we decided to go meet the grandparents on the river and have some fun. We got there early took out the boat and went to the beach for a salad three hours.

We had the whole Beach to ourselves and I actually managed to catch a fish. I think it might have been big enough to keep for the fish fry, if I known my youngest had wanted one. But he only told me after it already let it go.

We also managed to find what we think is a dead sturgeon. Not 100% but its the only think I can think of with this body shape.

Grandpa they did an amazing job pulling the kids around in circles for sale 35 or 40 minutes. I don't even want to think about how much gas we burned. When we have gotten there I'd put 5 gallons into the boat, and after tubing there was another 5 gallons that was needed. Well Grandpa prep dinner I ran off and bought 10 gallons of premium fuel at over 5 bucks a gallon. Well worth it in my book.

We got to have a fish fry for dinner and eat some previous catches, overload the kids on Grandma's junk food, and head off home before everyone crashed for the night. It was a great start to the weekend.

Sunday - Home Chores and some Kayak Fishing

Sunday started off with a little bit of the journal day today that you need to do. I ran off to a couple of different grocery stores and restock the house, did a bunch of smoothie prep to make the next couple of weeks go well and dump them off into the freezer.

After all the work was done my oldest had mentioned he wanted to go carp fishing. This is new to both he and I so it's a bit of a challenge to figure out exactly how to get them. We did manage to catch one we estimated somewhere in the 5 to 7 lb range. To be honest after catching this one I think my gear might be a little light, and I might need to upgrade to some medium heavier heavy poles the next time we go out. I know common carpet get a lot of hate but they are a blast to catch they fight exceptionally hard and are really strong. Not only that but the lake seems to be absolutely filled with them so if we can hone in on our ability to catch them I think we could get nice and sore from pulling these fish up.

Monday, River live, Beach, Fishing, Tubing

Monday morning, was spent filling up our boat at the gas station and getting it ready. As soon as we could we went out under the beach. Well most people don't go out until close to noon, where the crazy folks go out when it's nice and cold and empty. We had the best beach around basically to our cells and maybe a few other boats, but they were far enough away that no one bothered each other. You stayed this way from 8:00 until 11:15 when the hordes came out. Before it got busy we walked the shore line and tried to fish. I managed to catch a tiny bass, and my oldest caught a small rock bass.

When everyone started coming in and I started to get a little busy for our taste we decided to head off go for a cruise and take the kids tubing again. I wish I could have taken a picture of my depth finder track because it was nothing but figure eights and s hooks for 38 minutes.

We eventually got tired of this, well I got tired of driving that hard and constantly being on the lookout for other boats and floating objects. We pulled off on a wide spot and just anchored. Let's let the kids float and jump off the boat and the tube and we generally had fun.

We also managed to see the Viking ship the Mississippi or the Mississippi Viking I'm not sure. It's a gigantic cruise ship that cruises up and down the Mississippi river. While small compared to most of the cruise ships it is exceptionally large for the size that the river is especially around us where it gets a little narrow in the channel.

Tuesday - Crap back to work and the start of school.. Bleh

That takes us into Tuesday which was another great day of vacation but wait no it's not. Kids went off to school, and I had to go back to work. Wish we could have just kept the weekend rolling for a while.

