Rising Star Weekly Update - Level 124, and Added more than 20 Unique cards.


Weekly dCity Journal (13) (3).jpg

Rising Star Profile

Here are some quick stats about my account.

  • Rank: 131
  • Level: 124
  • Missions: 7628
  • Mission Ego: 28092
  • Lesson Skill: 39046
  • Card Fans: 45818
  • Card Skill: 40412
  • Cards Luck: 12655
  • Cards IM: 667
  • Unique Cards: 442
  • Total Cards: 2977
  • Joined 8/12/21
  • Packs Purchased: 3
  • Boxes Purchased: 10
  • Pizza Slices: 6
  • Pizza Box: 4
  • Coffee Cup: 1
  • Risky Whisky: 1
  • Cans of Petrol: 5
  • Birthday Cake 2nd Edition: 2

EGO - Leading The Race - Getting Harder


As you can see my buffer for Skill over Fans it's really taking a beating as of late. I blame this mostly to more sporadic plane, unless attention to detail on the missions have been selecting. I have had a lot of wasted time, where normally I would have snuck in a few music missions to offset the ego games.

It looks like I will be a couple of hours a day dedicated to music lessons to try to rebuild my buffer. Only earning $250 skill per lesson means it'll take a full week of 2 to 3 lessons per day to get back my buffer if all goes well.


Card Buying Binge 166+ StarBits


I went bonkers buy new cards, and decided to go well above and beyond my goals. As you can see I added my 500 skill for drums, and I had to know 1,000 fans. The real overachievement came when unique cards where I decided to scoop up as many of the new card releases as I could and I went home wild. I bought 20 new unique cards for the collection, going four times over my original goal. Well this was probably short-sighted, and will cost me significantly in the following weeks having to pay a higher amount for more uniques than just letting these cheap ones feed me, I was hoping it would make a dent in my ranking.

It does seem to have made a little bit of an impact as I am now a backup into the 130s, instead of the 150s. Not sure I can ever break the top 100 again after being gone for so long.


Next Buys - Growing my Fan Base to 50k

The name of the game is to build your fan base so you can earn more star bits. Well clearly there are consequences to the sprint, overall it is the approach of the game. I do want my base fan base to be over $50,000 before I take a break and look at going any other direction. Depending on the price of fans I think I will stick with adding 1,000 per week, unless I find a deal and I'm able to add more.

Music Lesson and Drums

Giving my current loss in the eagle world, I think I'll just keep buying drums well past my original 500 goal. I might just keep it going until I hit a thousand. I don't think it's a waste, and drums don't seem to be that expensive. I will keep on with 500 a week and see where I go. Hopefully I can at least raise the floor a bit so I can continue to ensure I will at least add more skill for every hour I spend doing it.


Major Milestones

  • Starbits Millionaire
  • Level 50 to Unlock Starbits Millionaire Mission
  • Level 55 to Unlock Local Mini Tour Support
  • Level 80 to Unlock Country Tour with Cheap Rehearsal Room
  • 5 Cans of Petrol

Thoughts and Comments

Let me know what you think I should do next, or how to improve my band better. I got PIZZA, LUV to tip if they are working. Hey do I have a upcoming vacation where I will be driving for most of the days. Have a hard time schedule any missions, and fear I may be stuck with either trying to run a few music lessons here and there, or kicking out long 5-hour missions during the drives dropping my earning potential, and really hurt me my ego.


Weekly dCity Journal (13) (3).jpg

Rising Star Profile

Here are some quick stats about my account.

  • Rank: 131
  • Level: 124
  • Missions: 7628
  • Mission Ego: 28092
  • Lesson Skill: 39046
  • Card Fans: 45818
  • Card Skill: 40412
  • Cards Luck: 12655
  • Cards IM: 667
  • Unique Cards: 442
  • Total Cards: 2977
  • Joined 8/12/21
  • Packs Purchased: 3
  • Boxes Purchased: 10
  • Pizza Slices: 6
  • Pizza Box: 4
  • Coffee Cup: 1
  • Risky Whisky: 1
  • Cans of Petrol: 5
  • Birthday Cake 2nd Edition: 2

EGO - Leading The Race - Getting Harder


As you can see my buffer for Skill over Fans it's really taking a beating as of late. I blame this mostly to more sporadic plane, unless attention to detail on the missions have been selecting. I have had a lot of wasted time, where normally I would have snuck in a few music missions to offset the ego games.

It looks like I will be a couple of hours a day dedicated to music lessons to try to rebuild my buffer. Only earning $250 skill per lesson means it'll take a full week of 2 to 3 lessons per day to get back my buffer if all goes well.


Card Buying Binge 166+ StarBits


I went bonkers buy new cards, and decided to go well above and beyond my goals. As you can see I added my 500 skill for drums, and I had to know 1,000 fans. The real overachievement came when unique cards where I decided to scoop up as many of the new card releases as I could and I went home wild. I bought 20 new unique cards for the collection, going four times over my original goal. Well this was probably short-sighted, and will cost me significantly in the following weeks having to pay a higher amount for more uniques than just letting these cheap ones feed me, I was hoping it would make a dent in my ranking.

It does seem to have made a little bit of an impact as I am now a backup into the 130s, instead of the 150s. Not sure I can ever break the top 100 again after being gone for so long.


Next Buys - Growing my Fan Base to 50k

The name of the game is to build your fan base so you can earn more star bits. Well clearly there are consequences to the sprint, overall it is the approach of the game. I do want my base fan base to be over $50,000 before I take a break and look at going any other direction. Depending on the price of fans I think I will stick with adding 1,000 per week, unless I find a deal and I'm able to add more.

Music Lesson and Drums

Giving my current loss in the eagle world, I think I'll just keep buying drums well past my original 500 goal. I might just keep it going until I hit a thousand. I don't think it's a waste, and drums don't seem to be that expensive. I will keep on with 500 a week and see where I go. Hopefully I can at least raise the floor a bit so I can continue to ensure I will at least add more skill for every hour I spend doing it.


Major Milestones

  • Starbits Millionaire
  • Level 50 to Unlock Starbits Millionaire Mission
  • Level 55 to Unlock Local Mini Tour Support
  • Level 80 to Unlock Country Tour with Cheap Rehearsal Room
  • 5 Cans of Petrol

Thoughts and Comments

Let me know what you think I should do next, or how to improve my band better. I got PIZZA, LUV to tip if they are working. Hey do I have a upcoming vacation where I will be driving for most of the days. Have a hard time schedule any missions, and fear I may be stuck with either trying to run a few music lessons here and there, or kicking out long 5-hour missions during the drives dropping my earning potential, and really hurt me my ego.

