Enchantment Unveiled: Embracing the Magic of the Mundane

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To enchant, in its purest form, transcends the ordinary, it becomes an experience of wonder and delight at the beauty and wonder of the present moment. — ShadowsPub

From its earliest Latin roots, through the Old French influence and into Middle English the word “enchant” conveyed a meaning to cast spells and manipulate or influence others. The word figure prominently in the accusations leading to the burning of ‘witches’ through the ages.

Enchantment is often viewed as casting spells but, it’s meaning has evolved. Being enchanted is more about being deeply charmed or captivated. The speaker or story captures and holds our attention, or the wonder of nature takes our breath away, is an experience of enchantment.

Enchantment’s taking time to mindfully take in the world, inner and outer, to become aware and appreciate the richness we’re surrounded by. Senses will be heightened. Sights, sounds, smells will be more acute. It’s an opportunity to appreciate the beauty and wonder we’re surrounded by and usually don’t notice.

It seems like experiencing enchantment requires some grand gesture, the right setting, an elaborate ritual. It doesn’t. Enchantment can be found in the simplest experiences — how the sun dances across the land, the gentle hum of a bee flitting between flowers, the rhythmic sound of water lapping against a dock.

What makes the difference between enchantment and the mundane is you.

Turn off the rush and chaos, the distractions and demands life sends. Get out of the head and into the heart, slow down. In times of stillness and open heartedness, sights, sounds, smells and feelings experienced take on a new perspective.

It’s not an escape from reality, it’s a deeper engagement with it. We’re taught from a young age to only take in and accept what we’re taught. Going deeper, more engaged, we give ourself opportunity to experience the the quiet gentle touch of the divine, to experience the subtle energy of life.

Try it, you may like it.

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Shadowspub writes on a variety of subjects as she pursues her passion for learning. She also writes on other platforms and enjoys creating books you use like journals, notebooks, coloring books etc. Her Nicheless Narrative podcast airs on Thursdays each week.

NOTE: unless otherwise stated, all images are the author’s.

Some of the image work may have been done in Midjourney for which I hold a licence to use the imges commercially.

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How to Connect With ShadowsPub:

Twitter: @shadowspub
Instagram: shadowspublishing
Medium: @shadowspublishing
Publishing Website: Shadows Publishing
Nicheless Website: Nicheless & Loving It
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