Probability of Failure Should Not Stop the Effort



About six months ago the world watched as Russian soldiers marched into Ukraine. The Russians believed it would only take a matter of days and they would control the territory. The people of Ukraine responded with fierce tenacity to defend their country assisted with money and equipment from other countries.

The perception the Russians had a stronger fighting force didn’t stop Ukraine from defending their homeland.

There have been many struggles that would have been seen to be futile. Yet, with determination and persistence, they won or made progress.

Our history is littered with so many seemingly impossible issues which became possible because people saw fit to support the cause at all costs.

  • The Magna Carta & the principle that no one is above the law
  • Abolition of slavery
  • The Civil Rights movement
  • The Berlin Wall was brought down, reuniting the two Germanys.
  • Apartheid in South Africa was brought to a halt.
  • The Residential School system in Canada was ended.
  • Universal Health Care was implemented in Canada
  • The Americans put a man on the moon
  • The world confronted a global pandemic

And the list goes on.

All too often people will shy away from supporting a cause because they believe too many forces are arrayed against it ever succeeding.

How about in your own life? What causes have you discarded as impossible?

The cause could be something in your community, an organization or even your family.

Did you shy away because you were discouraged by others or did you just lack the courage to stand up and say, “this needs to happen”?

It takes a lot of courage to be the person that puts the bold idea out there. It’s often amazing how many people already agree but lack the courage to say so.

Someone needs to be first and then there needs to be will to push forward in the face of opposition.

Standing up for what is right and just doesn’t have to be history changing. It doesn’t have to be, battles of wills between opposing views.

You could choose to stand up for change within yourself. A challenge to yourself to break old habits and create new ones. Or to challenge beliefs about yourself that have been holding you back from reaching out to your dreams in life.

Working to change within can be every bit the struggle that any of those history changing events listed above were. It’s a solitary struggle. Others can support you, but you have to do the work, put your energy into making it happen. No matter how long it takes.

At the end of the day, if what you’re wanting to accomplish is just and important, it’s worth chancing failure and putting your effort into it.


Shadowspub is a writer from Ontario, Canada. She writes on a variety of subjects as she pursues her passion for learning. She also writes on other platforms and enjoys creating books you use like journals, notebooks, coloring books etc.

NOTE: unless otherwise stated, all images are the author’s


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Good reminders for everyone trying to do something they havent done before.
