Lady Cat


Shimul paused for a moment after sneezing because he was in a pile of dusty paper. As a result, swan marks were seen and understood along his arm. Shimul's tired eyes and the ink on his left hand still left marks on his face. He looked at his fellow detective. He was asleep, and his head was resting on a large open book. Saliva from his mouth was spreading on the pages of the book.

Shimul put his hand on his body to wake him up, "Wake up!" He looked at Shimul with his blurred eyes. He said I was resting my eyes.

The glass panels were dirty and stained. They were trying to clear them. From there, they could see the road below. Several carriages drawn by horses could be seen below. Shimul told Mike he would be there in a minute. Before that, we have to tidy the house. They both tried to make the place beautiful. Quickly clean the desktops, filling the cupboards with loose papers in any order. Someone knocked on the door and froze them both.

Shimul jerked and opened the door. There was a lady; they say good evening; the lady stood at the door and looked around. "No one can be expected here except us," he said. Shimul noted, thank you for joining us. Mike said, "Please come in," Mike pointed to a chair.

A thin cushion has already been placed there. The lady shook her head and entered the room. The long skirt wraps around her legs, the heels of the lady's boots tapping on the floor. Shimul breathed in her perfume. It is external but still cheap. Last month he bought that scent for his sister. The lady sat down in the chair. The lady adjusted her skirts as she sat down.

The lady looked at both of them and said, "Your letter seemed to be the most urgent." "Suspense is killing me" after wearing it. They both looked at each other, thinking the calculation might not be easy. Shimul was sitting at his desktop. "We think you were involved." The lady said, "Excuse me?" Shimul said again, "We know you were involved."

The lady stared at them for a few seconds. She said, "Is there any evidence that you are complaining?" Mike shook his head, "No, that's just what we guessed." Laughing, the lady nodded and said, "Then why am I here?" "Are you two able to make this promise to me?" "No," Mike said softly. "But we can talk to the judge calmly. The lady took out a cigarette from her handbag.

Clouds of smoke surround her head, and she looked at them thoughtfully and said, then what is your job here? "We just settle a lawsuit, and we make money from there." Mike said, "We have the paperwork here. If you sign your name below, it's all over." She balanced the cigarette holder between the two fingers of her right hand and looked at the papers. The words continue to scary.

The words came out of her mouth as she read silently. Shimul and Mike looked at each other. Because they didn't think she could read their work. She put the papers on the desk and said, "Gentleman, it is clearly stated here that the robber is left-handed. You can see that it is not me. "Don't put the stolen painting on the wall," she said, pointing to the painting hanging behind them. Shimul felt bleeding from her mouth.

"I don't know what you mean," he said. This painting has been in my family for generations. Shimul asked, "What exactly do you want from us?" The lady smiled sweetly. She smiled and opened the door, and two men in uniform, with trunks in their hands, entered. "Take them," said the lady, smiling at one of them. "I think you'll find the most helpful." Shimul asked, "Who are you?" Oh, I'm just a lady. But you can call me Cat S."

