[ENG/PT-BR] Friendships and focusing on positive thoughts.

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This week a long-time friend of mine, if I remember correctly, something around more than 12 years of friendship, started a conversation with me and among the topics we talked about, one of them was about how people “disappear” from our life and become just memories, whether good or bad. The funny thing is that this same friend is one of those who disappeared, as we hadn't spoken for many months and it was a really good surprise that he said hi to me.

Focusing on this nostalgic conversation, I mentioned how I had memories of so many people who today I don't even know if they are alive and, in a worse way, they are very much alive, but I think I'm the one who died for them. It's something natural (at least I think so) that every adult goes through or there will always be a high chance of it happening. Marriage comes, work consumes all of us, children, caring for and managing the family, time is always short, among other things, perhaps all of this is what makes people move away from us.

Of course it's bad to miss people this way, it hurt a lot when I saw that some people deleted me from Facebook or stopped following me on Instagram, even though I usually enter, look and leave these social networks, I'm not the type to interact much on them. (the networks), but even so, it was strange to see that I was “taken” from the lives of certain people who I considered important to me and, worst and most obvious of all, without even an explanation.

Despite all this, I believe I don't have time for regrets, if these people that I would like to have contact with or at least keep an eye on through photos and posts and see how they have grown so much in life, wanted to leave, that would be fine with me, I've been trying to keep only the good memories, of the moments we spent, I think that's what matters. Even though it seems like a loser's talk, I don't want to hold grudges or sadness, so my search is always for the fun stories and the craziest moments I had with these people.

That's exactly what I said to my friend (the one who came to talk to me at the beginning of the story), even though I vented about my pain, I also explained how I was trying to stay well and remember the good times. I know I can try to fight and run after these people, but I wonder if it's worth it, after all, it could be that I'm the only friend, right? Of course this is an interesting topic for another day, what I want to say today is just that, as much as everything is hurting, my focus is just on closing my eyes and remembering the laughs I had with these people who left me behind today.

In the end, that's it, being at peace, thinking about my family, my children, thanking those who stayed and remembering only the good times of those who left and being able to meet the new friends that I will still make along the road of life.

Thank you very much to everyone who donated a little of their time to read. Until next time guys!




Essa semana um amigo meu de longa data, se não me falha a memória, algo em torno de mais de 12 anos de amizade, iniciou uma conversa comigo e dentre os assuntos que conversamos, um deles foi sobre como as pessoas “somem” da nossa vida e se tornam apenas lembranças, sejam elas boas ou ruins. O engraçado, é que esse mesmo amigo é um dos que sumiram, pois havia muitos meses que não conversávamos e foi realmente uma boa surpresa ele me mandar um oi.

Com o foco nessa conversa nostálgica, eu mencionei como tinha lembranças de tantas pessoas que hoje nem sei se estão vivas e outra de pior forma, estão vivíssimas, mas, acho que sou eu quem morreu para elas. É algo natural (pelo menos penso assim) que todo adulto passa ou sempre existirá essa grande chance de acontecer. O casamento vêm, o trabalho consome tudo de nós, os filhos, o cuidar e administrar da família, o tempo sempre curto dentre outras coisas, talvez tudo isso é o que faz as pessoas se afastarem da gente.

Claro que é ruim ter essa saudade das pessoas, doeu demais quando vi que algumas me excluíram do Facebook ou deixaram de me seguir no Instagram, por mais que eu costume entrar, olhar e sair dessas redes sociais, não sou do tipo que interagi muito nelas (as redes), mas mesmo assim, foi estranho ver que fui “tirado” da vida de certas pessoas que considerava importantes para mim e o pior e mais obvio de tudo, sem ao menos uma explicação.

Apesar de tudo isso, acredito que não tenho tempo para lamentações, se essas pessoas que eu gostava de ter um contato ou pelo menos ficava de olho pelas fotos e postagens e via como elas cresceram tanto na vida, quiseram se retirar, tudo bem para mim, tenho tentado manter apenas as lembranças boas, dos momentos que passamos, acho que é isso que importa. Mesmo parecendo um papo de perdedor, não quero guardar rancor ou tristeza, então a minha busca é sempre pelas histórias divertidas e os momentos mais loucos que tive com essas pessoas.

Foi exatamente isso que disse para o meu amigo (o que veio falar comigo do começo da história), mesmo desabafando sobre a minha dor, explicava também como estava tentando ficar bem e lembrar dos bons momentos. Sei que posso tentar lutar e correr atrás destas pessoas, mas, me pergunto se vale a pena, afinal, pode ser que somente eu seja o amigo, não é? Claro que isso é um assunto interessante para outro dia, o que quero passar hoje é apenas isso, por mais que tudo esteja doendo, meu foco é apenas em fechar os olhos e lembrar das risadas que tive com essas pessoas que hoje me deixaram para trás.

No fim das contas, é isso, estar em paz, pensar na minha família, nos meus filhos, agradecer aos que ficaram e me lembrar somente dos bons momentos daqueles que foram e estar apto para encontrar os novos amigos que ainda farei pela estrada da vida.

Muito obrigado a todos que doaram um pouco do seu tempo para ler. Até a próxima pessoal!



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It is something that we see happen over the years, many people, when they do not need us, or we cannot do them favors or help them with something, they leave us aside.
In general, I still call and write to acquaintances from decades ago, even when I don't need them at all. But I have had to be forgotten by other people who are only interested in receiving some help for something.

It is better for those people to walk away, no matter how much it hurts, but they are people who do not deserve our appreciation. Or at least that's the way I think.
People like this should not remain among our friends.


Sometimes moving away is the best solution, we have to think about ourselves at certain times, let go of those friendships that don't want anything more. I'm trying to do this, although it still hurts a little, but nothing that time won't heal.
