Love You Dear Youth



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No one wants to be old if anyone wants to be an old then it will be an exception. More or less we try to hold our youth till the rest of our life. Youth is the beautiful season of human life or I can say in animal life. When we are young we are strong physically and mentally. Our physical and mental strength helps us to win almost all the thing we want to achieve. So this is very natural to love being a young.

Youth is beautiful but its just like a season that never going to be stay forever. This is something we need to accept. Many of us use several tricks to hold youth forever like they do follow experts who successfully hold or holding their youth by applying smart diet and food habits. Some people using facial exercise,masks, injections and surgeries to hide their signs of aging. Many people use anti aging formulas. Some practice to be young forever mentally as they consider age as just a number and they feel themselves forever young or evergreen.
Time is not so kind to sphere anyone to be older or oldest. By applying such methods we may able to keep ourselves young for particular time but the charm and glow of youth season will be always missed. We can hide our age but our youth will be in our life for once and when time passes we will miss them from our memories.

Today I'm young and I don't know the wish of others but my wish is to die young because I really love my youth and I don't want to lose it before my death. But at the same time I don't want to apply any artificial method to hold my physical youngness. Mentally we can be young and we can pray to our creator or Almighty to keep us fresh and young for the lifetime. Getting old is not bad at all even getting old is wise but we all have wish for youth and we want to be young forever.

Young people always welcome for new opportunities and they are ready to accept challenges in life. Youth is the time when we can enjoy life full on even prayers of young age is more acceptable to Almighty Allah. So there is none who doesn’t like to be young. In heaven all people will be young and no one will suffer from any pain as old people suffer from several pain for their old age in this earth. Youth is like spring in human life.

We can't fight with time and also can't fight with death so things will happen time to time and we have to go with the flow. I may wish for youth but I also wish to be connected with the nature forever. Whatever I'm or I will be, should be naturally. Let's see how long my dear youth will stay with me and help me to be stronger, more independent and really very happy!

Thanks for taking time to read and showing love to me to be an active author on hive.
Take love! 💖

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Hi there, i loved this, i think is more of a catarsis than a pob post, but it feels cool to have you here, btw, why the selfvote?
