"The Gray Man" (2022) - Movie Review



Will Ryan Gosling ever be in an action movie again as good as 2011's DRIVE or 2017's BLADERUNNER 2049?

Probably not.

In 2022's THE GRAY MAN, Gosling plays an ex-con super agent tasked with rescuing his handler's kidnapped niece.

While this is definitely an action-packed movie,
Gosling lacks the humanity of his career's early characters and feels perpetually muted -- and not in that cool minimalist way.

Now Chris Evans on the other hand was most definitely the star of this movie, adding some much needed jazz and vulgarity to what was pretty bland and monotonous film.

After years of playing Captain America, it is a much welcome breath of fresh air to see Chris Evans play someone darker and finally sadistic. He does it so well and
I'd love to see more of this range from him. He is a lively Joker-esque character compared to Gosling's dull maskless Batman -- sorry, I mean "Gray Man."

Don't get me wrong, the hand-to-hand combat sequences and explosions were cool but until further notice -- the BOURNE movies, ATOMIC BLONDE, and JOHN WICK are the kings of hand-to-hand combat in western films.

Also, Ana De Armas and Billy Bob Thornton are in this movie. They weren't exactly stars but I'm very much looking forward to her portrayal of Marilyn Monroe in the near future.

(Unsupported https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmllggGO4pM&t=2s)

Final Grade for 2022's THE GRAY MAN?

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