Vintage SilverTowne Mint Stagecoach Silver Bar

This is another of the series. I don't know what the series is called, but it seems a depiction of the old west, so lets call it that.


Vintage SilverTowne Mint Stagecoach Silver Bar

Again, this is made by SilverTowne Mint of 1 toy oz .999 Fine Silver.


In the American West, entrepreneurs battled for lucrative government mail contracts, freight, and passengers by operating a multitude of express services and stagecoach lines.


Throughout the westward expansion, the stagecoach lines bravely continued despite several dangers, including bad weather, uneven roads, hazardous terrain, and attacks by Indians and bandits.


Stagecoach travel was not comfortable for passengers, but it was safer than going it alone and frequently the only way to get around. It was improper to rest one's head on another passenger, and people were expected to sit up if they desired to sleep. Passengers also had to abide by a long list of additional regulations, such as not drinking alcohol, not smoking or swearing in front of women, and more.


Riding in a Stage

Creeping through the valley, crawling o’er the hill, Splashing through the branches, rumbling o’er the mill, Putting nervous gentlemen in a towering rage. What is so provoking as riding in a stage?

Spinsters fair and forty, maids in youthful charms, Suddenly are cast into their neighbors’ arms; Children shoot like squirrels darting through a cage- Isn’t it delightful, riding in a stage?

Feet are interlacing, heads severely bumped, Friend and foe together get their noses thumped; Dresses act as carpets-listen to the sage; “Life is but a journey taken in a stage.”

— From: Six Horses by Captain William Banning & George Hugh Banning, 1928.


These are the vintage rounds or bars I have shown:

Vintage SilverTowne Mint Stagecoach Silver Bar
Vintage SilverTowne Mint Covered Wagon
Vintage 1983 Libertas Americana/Eagle Silver Round
Vintage American Pacific Mint Silver Trade Unit: Ship
Vintage Highland Mint Statue of Liberty Silver Art Bar
Vintage 1982 MTB Statue of Liberty : Medallic Arts
Vintage 1987 Pope John Paul II California and Arizona
Vintage 1986 Reliable Corp Statue of Liberty Round
Vintage American Pacific Mint ASE/Trade Silver Round
Vintage 1992 Discovery of America Silver Coin
Vintage 1985 American Pacific Mint World Trade Silver Round
Sunshine Mint SS Gairsoppa Silver Round
1986 Sunshine Mint CCPMA Prospector Silver Round
Vintage American Pacific Mint Eagle with Flag Silver Trade Round
Vintage TenTex Statue of Liberty Silver Trade Unit
Vintage 1983 American Pacific Mint Morgan Trade Silver Round
Vintage California Crown Mint Bell Trade Silver Round
Vintage 1986 A-Mark Eagle Round
Vintage American Argent Mint Shield Silver Round
Vintage Johnson Matthey Freedom of the Press Silver Round
Vintage 1984 Royal Hawaiian Mint Silver Kamehameha Splintered Paddle Round
Vintage South East Refining Eagle Trade Round
Vintage Highland Mint Liberty Silver Round
Vintage 1982 GSM Silver Prospector Amazon Quarter Dollar Round
1983 Engelhard American Prospector Rounds
Regency Mint Gold Panner Divisible Silver Round
Vintage Jackalope GSM California Mint Silver Round
Vintage 1973 World Mint Corp Prospector Silverado Round
Vintage 1982 GSM Silver Prospector Eagle Round
Vintage 1982 GSM Silver Prospector Stagecoach Round
Vintage Highland Mint 1 oz Prospector Silver Round
Vintage 1974 U.S. Silver Corporation Eagle Globe Round
Vintage SilverTowne Draped Bust Silver Round
Vintage 1986 Liberty Mint Liberty Bell Silver Round
Vintage Hamilton Mint U.S.S. Sacramento
Vintage Hamilton Mint U.S.S.San Francisco
Vintage Hamilton Mint U.S.S. Honolulu
Vintage 1974 Liberty Lobby George Washington Silver Round
Vintage 1982 Northstar Mint Morgan Round
Vintage 1991 Liberty Mint Bill of Rights Round
Vintage 1993 American Pacific Mint Peace Dollar Trade Round
Vintage 1984 Parliament Shield Silver Round
Vintage 1985 Johnson Matthey Alaska Round
Vintage Columbia Mint George Washington Round
Vintage 1974 USPS Universal Postal Union Round
Vintage 1972 USPS Universal Postal Union Round
Vintage California Crown Mint Silver Round
Vintage AS&M Eagle Silver Round
Vintage Liberty Lobby Lady Liberty Silver Round
Vintage Rariteis Liberty Silver Round


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Hugs and Kisses 🥰🌺🤙!!!!

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Such an adventure the old West was @silversaver888!☺️
Now we have the modern day version…..Crypto, and at times Precious metals, like when the hunt brothers tried to corner the Silver market!🙄


I would not want to have traveled by stagecoach at all. My butt and back would have been sore as all get out. There is no way I would have been able to refrain from cursing.


"The dry taste of hardtack and moldy lemons at least yea won't git seasick ...ridin in a stage." ~ The Bloody Raven version of riding on a stage. 🤢

Always, with love 🤗🌺❤️


I can imagine travel via stage coach wasn't much fun. At least with the wagons, you could walk and you had fresh air to breathe!

Nice silver bar! Again, right up my ally sis! Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day!🤗😘😍💕🌸💟 !LADY !LUV !PIMP


According to historical records, the fastest stagecoaches could reach speeds of up to 15 mph, while the slowest ones could barely manage 5 mph. I will surely be sleeping, or daydreaming, or reading, or praying! !LOL
!LUV ya much, sis 🤗😘😍


Praying might be the best option given the rough travel and the serious road hazards.......not speaking of pot holes and whatnot.....more like thieves and what not!🤗😘😍🌸💕🌻 !LUV ya much!


That is a very clean looking well designed bar.
Can you imagine having to travel a long distance in a stage coach,
especailly if you had to ride on top and there was a storm or it
was winter.




Another snazzy delectable saver — Noice!!!
