The Key to Happiness [Poem no.86]



Image by Nato Pereira Pixabay

Meditation, the path to inner peace,
Where stillness of mind brings happiness and release,
In stillness, we find contentment deep,
Where worries cease, and calmness we keep.

We breathe in deep, and breathe out slowly,
With each exhale, our worries start to go,
We let our thoughts drift like leaves on a stream,
And focus on now, our present, it seems.

In stillness, we find what we've been seeking,
Happiness that's within, not what we're reaping,
For joy comes from within, not from without,
And in silence, our hearts begin to shout.

So sit in stillness, let thoughts come and go,
Observe them, don't judge, let them flow,
For happiness is not a destination,
It's a journey, where peace is our sensation.

So practice this art, and do it with care,
And soon you'll find joy, everywhere,
In every moment, in every breath,
Meditation is the path, to happiness and rest.

I have decided to try poetry again here on Hive after almost three years and probably most of my followers left the platform, but I'm ready to make new ones.
Below you may find other poems that I posted here:

84.Empathy is the KEY
83. Money, A never Ending CURSE

Other poems
