A walk down a foggy memory lane.

I haven't sat down and listened to music in a very very long time. Not that I don't listen to music at all anymore, nothing like that. Maybe I'll pause and listen to a song my wife is playing sometimes...sometimes I'll let the youtube autoplay do it's thing while I am doing something else. But I haven't really sat down and just listened to a song for a long long time, and I haven't really wanted to either.

As I was browsing through football news on youtube a song popped up on the side. It was such a familiar name and I knew I had listened to that song a thousand times if not a million! And yet I could recall neither its tune nor its lyrics. It has been that long! And from the name of the artist I knew this was not the my typical choice of music - but I still knew it was a song I used to enjoy in my younger days. But I haven't enjoyed music like that in the recent past...do I dare..?

My fingers slowly pointed the cursor over the thumbnail and clicked, not knowing what to expect as I really couldn't recall anything from that song. But as soon as the the first bit of tune started to play, memories flowed back in an instant! I remembered it all as the best days of our lives flashed right in front of my eyes. Those were indeed the days...

It was very surprising that this was not a song from my all time favorite band Artcell, or Shironamhin or Aurthohin or Black or...the list goes on. It was just a very simple, slow going song. But somehow it struck all the right chords in our lives when we were foolish teens. I remembered listening to this song on repeat as we went on long drives with my siblings, or my best friends.

I guess the bottom-line is we don't really need to do something extraordinary to be remembered. Sometimes it's the simplest acts of kindness. Sometimes a few words to touch the heart. Sometimes just a shoulder to lean on after a difficult day...


Image created using NightCafe AI


It reminds me of how, at times, we forget something so essential in life having experienced a variety of things. But once we re-encounter it, it becomes a significant catalyst as to how we may act in the present.

I also find your last statements very comforting. Thank you for sharing this with us.


I totally agree with you. In fact I often tell people who will listen that, we should go back to our roots from time to time to keep us grounded or to elevate us when we're feeling a bit down.


Tienes toda razón, la música puede aliviar las presiones y liberar el alma. Algunos momentos difíciles pueden mejorar cuando nos concentramos en aquello que nos gusta, además, noexiste nada más sano que dejar volar la imaginación. Saludos, @simplifylife, está muy bien...

You are absolutely right, music can relieve pressure and free the soul. Some difficult moments can improve when we focus on what we like, also, there is nothing healthier than letting your imagination run wild. Greetings @simplifylife, very good...


Yes, I too find it calming when I just sit back and live some good old memories on days that seems to difficult carry on.
