Cramped for space!

It's been a month and a half my wife and I moved to a new house in a different city owing to the choice of my Internal Medicine training. We are kinda sure this is not going to be a permanent residence for us and hence we quite quickly agreed to a minimalist approach in setting up the place.

I'll admit I don't have too many ideas when it comes to home decor to begin with - make that minimalistic, and I'll be blabbering like a blithering idiot (yes, stolen from Professor Mcgonagall) sitting in front of a viva board!

So it all came down to my wife's ideas and she had quite a few! The most impressive of which has to be utilizing the Headstand space! I think it started with me ordering the entire set of Harry Potter.

We both love having books organized on a bookshelf. It just looks very elegant! But having just spent a fair bit on the absolute necessities, we were stalling on getting a bookshelf. And then with a stroke of brilliance she suggested we were probably wasting a lot of headstand space!

Wasting headstand space?

Wait, what?! I wasn't even aware that the headstand had space LOL!

By the time she had aligned my precious books on the headstand a whole wide world of possibilities started to unravel in front of my eyes!

We were indeed wasting so much "space."

When we talk about wastage we tend to think straightaway of materialistic wastes - food, water, vegetable remains, paper bags. Waste of space is not the first thing that pops into our minds at the first go. And yet, making full use of the space we're given to work with changes our entire approach to a minimalistic way of life! Believe me, look around your house - minimize your waste of space and you will instantly realize how underrated a concept this is!

Our headstand now serves home to our small medicine box to our watch collection to my wallet to a mini table lamp and a lot of the times, my phone. And as an added bonus, the books itself serve as part of an interior decor we have always liked!

I personally find myself to be much less productive when I am cramped for space. I always prefer to have "more space," something I've been nagging my wife for as long as I can remember! I guess nagging worked out pretty well this time! :D

Image created using Midjourney AI


Thanks for sharing your story with us.

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You're very welcome! I really like the concepts of the communities you two are running! Cinnamon Cup Coffee is turning out to be one of the most enjoyable communities I have had the pleasure of writing in! It's a shame I found this community so late 😄


That's great to hear:)
We bring to be around for a long time, so there'll be many more weeks 😁


I am a mess as well when it comes to decor or sth like that. But all the best for new life in new place DOC!


I think it takes a very different set of skill and an ability to vividly visualize to be good at decor - not something we men do very well eh!? 😅

But all the best for new life in new place DOC!

Thank you bro, and all the best to you too 😁
