Make a Delicious Fruit Pie that Tempts your taste buds

Who can resist a slice of delicious, mouth-watering fruit pie? Fruit pie is a dish that is not only delicious, but also provides a warm touch and sweet memories. If you want to try your hand at cooking, here I share my recipe and method for making the perfect fruit pie.

Materials needed

Before starting your culinary adventure, make sure to prepare all the necessary ingredients. You will need flour, butter, sugar, salt, and cold water for the pie crust. For pie filling, choose a variety of fresh fruit such as strawberries, mango and kiwi according to your taste. Don't forget sugar, egg yolks, cornstarch and liquid milk to make the flan.

Step 1: Make the Perfect Pie Crust

Pie crust is an important base for creating delicious fruit pies. Start by mixing the flour, sugar, and salt in a large bowl. Add the butter pieces and stir gently until the texture is similar to breadcrumbs. Add cold water little by little, approximately 3-4 tablespoons, until the dough can be compacted.

Roll out the dough on a floured surface until it has the desired thickness. Place the dough in the pie pan and seal the edges.

Step 2: Fla Stuffing

Combine egg yolks and sugar in a bowl, then stir until smooth. Then add cornstarch then add liquid milk little by little until smooth. Then cook briefly over low heat until the fla thickens.

Step 3: Bake the Pie

Preheat the oven to 160°C or adjust according to each oven. Place the pie in the center of the oven and let it bake until the surface is golden. This process will provide a tempting aroma and ensure that your pie is cooked perfectly.

Step 4: Fill the Pie with Fruit Filling

Once the pie crust is baked and the fruit filling is ready, it's time to fill the pie. Let the pie cool for a while. Then add the fla into the pie. Make sure not to add too much fla to prevent the pie from getting too wet. Then arrange the fruit pieces on top. You can give an artistic touch by decorating the surface of the pie according to your creativity.

Fruit Pie Ready to enjoy

Arrange the fruit pie on a serving plate to enjoy. This fruit pie is perfect to enjoy with hot tea in the afternoon. Look at the appearance of this fruit pie, it's very beautiful and appetizing, isn't it? The crunchy pie crust combined with the creaminess of the flan and the sweet and sour taste of the fruit is perfect.

By following these steps, you will be successful in making a delicious and appealing fruit pie. Don't hesitate to experiment with various fruit combinations to find your favorite fruit pie variant. Good luck!

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