Greetings to my dearest family in Christ and the MCGI ministry. It's been another blessed day with a completely inspiring message from God by Brother. Daniel.


Today's message has made me learn a lot about love and doing good.


Before I get into the lessons learned today I would like to say once again God bless MCGI for all the good their doing for our fellowmen. It's indeed a sign that they are from God because as was learned in today's MCGI zoom meeting, the good we do are are fruit or prove that we are disciples of Christ.

I'm also taking the time to invite everyone to the Mass Indoctrination happening on September 11th 7 pm Philippine Time.


Today's Lesson

Today's word from God by Brother Daniel was centered on doing good and showing love. To begin with, he made me understand that doing good is a commandment from God. We are not to decide on our own but to do good is our obedience to God and His words.

As it was written in 28 : 20

and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age

In order for us to be righteous and justified before God, we need to be people of love. The love that we show is our sign of being disciples of Jesus Christ.

I also learned that we are supposed to abstain completely from all things that is evil. Love is of God not evil therefore the people of God will bring out good and love in them and not evil. The instruction to abstain from evil can be gotten from the book of Thessalonians 5 :22 which tells us to abstain from all appearance of evil.

Now Brother Daniel made a really profound explanation on how to know if someone is of God or not. We should be careful not to join any group or organization that it not of God. The way to prove whether someone is of God or not is the fruit they bare. This means their acts and deeds most be based on instructions from the word of God to do good and show love.

We are told not to believe any spirit but to try them whether they are of God or not. Disciples of Christ show love to one another so of I see that the people are not showing love but are cruel then they are not of God. This can be gotten from the word of God in 1 John 4 : 1

I also learned that it is by believe in Jesus Christ that we will be justified and not the law of Moses. Now the instruction of Christ is that we love one another. This means love is the main determining factor of the disciples of Christ. This can be gotten from the scriptures in Acts 13 : 39

It was also taught that Jesus Christ has commanded us to have love one to another in the same way that He loved us. Jesus loved us and sacrificed His life so all men will be saved. We are commanded to show great love amongst ourselves. This can be gotten from John 13:34

Now we also learned that Jesus Christ's love meter is very broad. He doesn't just love His brethren or those who love Him but He also has love for His enemies as well.

Matthew 5 : 46 says

If ye love them who love you, what reward have ye? to wit, in heaven. None truly, for of such it is said, Ye have received your reward.

We are being commanded as disciples of Christ not only to love our brethren but also our enemies. Let us not seek evil for those who hate us but we should pray for them and love them as well. This is the prove that we are disciples of Christ. This is gotten from the scriptures in Matthew 5 : 44

We were taught today to not only know the commandments of God but to also put them to practice. Doing good is our prove of being in Christ. The fruit we bare as christians is love, mercy and doing good.

As it was written in John 13 :35

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another

Now one prove or sign that we are disciples of Christ is that we should be zealous to doing good works. We must desire and seek to do good to our fellowmen and even our enemies. This can be gotten from the scriptures in Titus 2 : 14

As it was written in Luke 6 : 44 that every tree is known by the fruit it bears.

If we claim to be disciples of Christ then we must show the prove of that in our love for people, our zealousness to do good, our mercifulness and love for even our enemies.


Brother Daniel and Brother Eli also spoke profoundly on Stealing, why people steal and what the word of God says about stealing

I learned that the reasons people steal may include a mental issues called kleptomania where the person has this urge to steal even without profit or the desire to get something to use.

Poverty and lack is also another reason. Another reason could be to pay for an addiction to either gambling or drugs. Also greed can be a reason to steal. Some people just can't have enough, they keep stealing even though they don't need it.

The Bible teaches us in Ephesians 4 : 28 that those who stole should steal no more but rather work hard with our hands the things which are good. We are not just to work hard for ourselves but to also give to those in need. This is the way of Christ and Christianity.


Brother Eli made a powerful point that it is pointless to steal when you can borrow or ask your brethren. Although you should not make a habit of asking or borrowing but work hard to have so much so that you can give to others.

I was also taught a lot about showing mercy. Having mercy on my brethren is very important because on the day of judgement, God can look upon the mercy I showed and also show me mercy. This can be gotten from the scriptures in Matthew 5 : 7 and James 2 : 13

I'm really grateful to have been able to make it to today's zoom meeting. I was blessed by the word of God. God bless MCGI and everyone that was used by God to be a blessing to all of us. Thank you for reading my post today. Have a lovely and blessed day brethren. See you next time. Bye❤️


Skyehi55, thank you for sharing such a detailed recount of Brother Daniel's teachings on love, righteousness, and doing good.

May God continue to bless you brother @skyehi


May God bless MCGI for their good teachings it's really helping me with bible studies alot❤️


This is marvellous indeed
We must endeavor to show God's love to everyone around us and abstain from any work which will defile our Christlike name like stealing instead let's us subject our body to work out for our living


Indeed dear sister you are right
