A day in my life..


I thought I should document what my days are like lately because I’m so tired at the end of the day and I can’t even remember what I did.
This was on Monday. I got caught up with other things and just finished editing it now.

I started my day at 6 am. My first lecture of the day was at 7 am so I bathed and decided to check the course group and the class has been cancelled. I was relieved cause I don’t like early morning lectures. I decided to watch a tutorial on a course because I didn’t understand anything the first time I attended the lecture and we have an assignment due today.

I started the tutorial and dozed off. I woke up about an hour later and decided to do some other things. I finished up some minutes I was writing and also had to edit a letter for our vice president. I still had the assignment to think about.
I finally left the hostel around 10:30 am and went to get sheets to write the assignment in. Then I went to the SRC office. That’s basically where I spend my days now.
I got there and started the assignment.

When I was done, I went to check something on WhatsApp and realized I’ve been sent a different solution. So whatever I did was a waste of time.
There was also other matters I had to attend to. I found out I was supposed to be given a document to make final edits on over the weekend but no one gave me anything. It was now a matter of urgency so I had to get to it whilst thinking of how to complete the assignment which was due in less than an hour. I called a friend to write the assignment for me while I concentrated on the other stuff I had to do. I had a class starting in less than an hour too but it was later cancelled. So I had 2 more hours until the next class.
I went with the president to print some documents. We got to the cafe and the printer was so slow. It was printing like one page per minute. We gave an excuse that we will be back and went to print at a different cafe.
I left there cause I had to pay school fees for someone but when I got there, the queue was long so l went back to the cafe. We printed what we needed but we couldn’t submit it because some other documents were not ready.
After getting back to the office, we went to pray. I was starving at this point so I got food after the prayers.

Then we started working on the rest of the documents we needed but it was already time for my next class.

I chose not to go cause I just didn’t feel like. So two more hours till my next class. We finished the work and there was nothing else that was urgent. I think I spent the rest of the time watching TikTok. Then we went to pray again and it was time for my next class. I decided to go for this one since I didn’t attend any the whole day. And it was the first time we were meeting that lecturer. The course was also something I have so much interest in: “Artificial Intelligence “.
I got to the lecture hall and the lecturer wasn’t in.

I was thinking it shouldn’t be that the lecturer doesn’t also come for this class I’ve chosen to attend.
He came in later and the lecture wasn’t going the way I wanted it.

Total disappointment. Maybe it will get better later but this just wasn’t it. I ended up talking with friends that sat next to me and going through pictures of nice sneakers. The lecture eventually ended and I made it back to the office. I got there and it was locked.

So I had to wait at a store nearby and I did something I hardly ever do. I bought a drink that I prefer to say “it’s just sugar and water”.

The office was later opened and I got in but it was already time to pray again.
On our way back from the prayers, the president mentioned some new assignment I had to do. So I got into the office and started right away.
A lot of issues came up with it but I managed to finish. It was over 30 pages.

At this point, everyone was tired and hungry so we had to break and continue tomorrow.

It was 10:00 pm already.
@zzzinnn was supposed to meet up with me then we go to the hostel together but he was taking longer than expected so I had to wait for him on campus.

He finally came and we got to the hostel like 10:30 pm.
If I say I was tired, it’s an understatement. I still had to do final touches to the work I was doing but I couldn’t at that point.
I ate, bathed and prayed but I couldn’t sleep yet cause someone was using my pc 😏.

I dozed off and he woke me up to locked my door behind him.
I think this was an average day. It’s more stressful on some days and better on others.


Me pasa igual algunas veces de tanto cansancio me quedo dormida jeje, pero todo sacrificio tendrá su recompensa ¡ ánimo!


You had a busy day with too much "here and there". But it's good, that's what makes a school, school.


Well, yeah
But some have it easier than others


Just finding out that we have a 7 am lecture this semester has spoiled my whole mood. I hate early morning lectures, I guess I’ll just have to skip some lol 😆. By the way, everything is cool at school? We will join you guys soon 😅


It’s not just one. We have two 7 am lectures. So better prepare yourself and come


Anytime I see an undergraduate stressing with school stuffs it kinda puts some light smiles on my face. The feeling is similar to that of when you have a D+ in a course and you later find out that all your buddies got D. It’s like it’s not a worry anymore when a gang has to deal with it. (first class in wickedness 👍🏿)

About your busy schedules and time management issues, I have an advise;

When you are planning your day (or week, which is far better), try to differentiate between tasks that are important and tasks that are urgent.

Most urgent tasks are not important, but we do them because they are right in front of our faces. They seek immediate attention (urgently). But if you analyze, most of these urgent tasks are not important. Eg, answering a phone call, replying a text message, accompanying a friend, some meetings, attending to a partner, etc…

And again if you analyze, you’ll realize that most important tasks are not urgent (mostly comes with deadlines, time lapses). And because they are not urgent we tend to ignore them. This not a cool habit . This habit will make you a deadline person. You’ll have to activate deadline mode all the time in order not to get into trouble.

[That’s why your own answer to the assignment was ‘not giving’-that new ig slang, u gerrit? yeah!
And that’s why you had to dab from WhatsApp and even had to make a friend dab the dabbed assignment for you. If I was near you, I would have used a hot iron and press your lips! ]


Hot iron to press my lips??
The more I read, the more I feel your wickedness
