The Imbalance World



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In Nigeria, we have this new slang which says 'life no balance'. It means the world is not balance.

What one person wants, the other person have it in abundance. What others don't need, they have it because they inherited it by birth.

Those who want blue eyes don't have it. Those who have it don't seem to fancy it or they just want something else hide their eye color.

For some, they want to be tall but they are short. For others that are short, they wish they can be tall and so they wear hill just to meet up.

Some who want to be fat are naturally slim. They either eat junks or take some drugs to boost their chances of being fat.

For others, they just want to be slim. They can do anything within their powers to be slim. Whenever their are adverts about how to be slim, they rush to get it.

Those who are born rich don't value the money. They spend it on irrelevant stuffs. Those who really need it don't have it.

It is a pure scenario which we translate as one who has head doesn't have cap and one who has cap doesn't have head.

It shows the imbalance in the universe. Things don't always happen as they ought to, according to man.

One who wishes to learn doesn't have the money or his/her parent don't. The one who doesn't fancy learning is a rich guy or one with rich parents.

Some wish their parents have their own apartments but somehow they don't and they are out there paying rents.

Those who are innocent but charged wrongly by law don't have a lawyer to stand for them and defend them.

Those who are the real criminals have money to employ SA (Senior Advocates) to defend them. Their cases turn out to be false as they are set free.

It is life and it is what it is. We have to embrace it and forge ahead. Life is short.
