Utilizing Used Goods As Planting Media - Hive Garden


Hi Friends of the Hive Garden Community, how are you all? I hope all my friends are in good health and can carry out activities as usual.
Yesterday I cleaned around the house either from weeds or used items that can no longer be used. I had to throw away some items because they couldn't be used anymore, but there were also items that were damaged but could still be used for example to grow vegetables.

For example this broken bucket.



I tied this bucket back with plastic rope where previously I made holes between the halves of the bucket using a hot iron needle. Then I put a plastic rope into each of the holes as shown in the picture above.

For those who don't have a large yard, planting vegetables in containers like this is very profitable, what's more, without having to buy and the yard is free of used goods.

The first step is after the bucket is ready and I feel it is strong enough, then I fill the bucket with soil that I have mixed with organic fertilizer.


After that I watered the soil with enough water.


This time I tried to grow vegetables from the type of kale. I put the kale seeds on the ground then I covered them again but only used a little soil so the seeds could germinate properly.




The next step is to close the bucket using areca leaves or coconut leaves, I use betel leaves so that sunlight can still enter through the cracks in the areca leaves. Another function is that if it rains, the kale seeds will not bounce to the ground when exposed to rain.



After a few days the kale seeds started to germinate.


Alright all my friends, this is how I reuse used items that can still be used so that I can slightly reduce the accumulation of plastic waste in landfills and get free planting media.

Thank you to friends who have been here, I hope my post this time will be useful. see you next time.

