Introduction to Pranic Healing - An interview



About a month ago, I asked my sister-in-law, Rugmini Sreenivasan, to answer some basic questions about Pranic Healing. She is an advanced Pranic healer who is often called upon to heal cases where even the doctors have given up hope. So, I wanted to share her views about Pranic healing and how it can help in holistic healing. I am sure the points she has shared will be of help to somebody who believes in natural medicine and holistic healing.

I know that this is not a comprehensive post but it is just a start and I hope to share more from her perspective.


  1. What is pranic healing?

Like we have a Physical body, we have an energy body interpenetrating our physical body. Just as we have hands legs and all parts of the energy body has also all parts in the energy body. Like veins that flow blood, the physical body's energy body has Nadis and Chakras thru which the energy flows. Our body can automatically heal any illness. By directing the energy flows we can heal our energy body and physical body.

In Pranic healing, the main purpose is soul realization. Healing the ailments is only one purpose,

2)How did you become interested in Pranic healing.?

In Upanishads I have read we have 7 chakras in our body but they r not giving the details of each Chakra or its quality. What is the function of each Chakra? So I wanted to know that I joined pranic healing.

3)What level you have reached?

As the main purpose of pranic healing is soul realization through kundalini meditation. This means the divine energy from the crown Chakra is directed thru the forehead Chakra.

Ajna Chakra, throat Chakra, Heart Chakra, solar plexus Chakra, navel Chakra, sex Chakra, Basic Chakra, goes back meng mein Chakra, back solar plexus, back heart and joins the crown from the back. This movement of energy is kundalini energy(from Basic chakra). In the kundalini meditation, I reached level 1. Now 2 3 4 5 6 r there to reach. I have all the other courses 16 nos. There is no other course to join. For levels, we should specific time to be get selected for that courses. We cannot join on our own. After applying they will check our development and only select.

4)Have u felt improvement in the way you heal now than when first started?

Yes, I feel a lot of difference between when I started and now.

  1. Do u feel that pranic healing should become popular like yoga?

Definitely should become popular. But yoga is different from prana. We have a physical body energy body, mental body, and emotional body Vijnanamaya Kosa and finally Anandamaya Kosa. All should learn but those who have reached a certain level of maturity in life can reach here. If one is interested in worldly pleasures they will not come. If somebody thinks that these pleasures will not give me full happiness may attempt to come here.

In Upanishad, Lord Krishna was asked who will come and learn all these. This information may go waste after some period. Then Lord Krishna said it will not go waste and some people will definitely come.

Interview of Pranic Healer Rugmani Sreenivasan - Not published elsewhere


Nice post - thanks for sharing. I did a basic pranic healing course a while back in order to learn to heal myself. I did not makw much progress though unfortunately.

Maybe you selected the wrong Community for this post - pity because others might be interested.
