Why did an all-powerful God murder the Haitian people during the earthquake? (Part 3 of 3)


In reference to the question, 'Why did an all-powerful God murder the Haitian people during the earthquake? (Part 3 of 3)'

Brother Eli shared,
Romans 1:18 The wrath of God is because of the transgressions of men. Of God het angry we should not get angry with him

When we do something wrong, it parent gets angry and corrects us, we can't blame our parents, the sake way we can not blame God

A lot of evil are in the world, God has the right to be angry.

Hebrew 12:26 The shaking of the heaven and earth will be removed one day.
Psalm 7:11 God judges the righteous and he is angry at the wicked.

Proverbs 15:3 The eye of God is seeing all that is done on earth.

You can watch my contribution in the video below ;

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