Good news for Rising Star! ESP/ENG

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Hola hola! Me encanta hacer esta clase de posts en los que estoy todo emocionado y con buen animo, tanto que mas bien tengo que refrenar mis palabras y hablar menos! Para todos los jugadores de Rising Star, esta informacion es para ti y te explicare porque te interesa y porque te conviene a corto, mediano y largo plazo, se vienen tiempos micho mejores que los que estamos viviendo! Hay muchas cosas que estan por pasar que estan a la vuelta de la esquina, se que Jux le gusta sorprendernos y su metodo de hacer las cosas no incluye crear hype, pero aqui les dejare un poco de hype tambien xD

Hello hello! I love to make this kind of posts when I'm all excited and in good spirits, so much so that I rather have to restrain my words and talk less! For all the Rising Star players, this information is for you and I will explain why you are interested and why it is good for you in the short, medium and long term, there are better times ahead than the ones we are living! There are many things that are about to happen that are just around the corner, I know that Jux likes to surprise us and his method of doing things does not include creating hype, but here I'll leave a little hype too xD

Good news.jpg

Primero que todo vamos a empezar por las buenas noticias! Las buenas noticias son que se creo recientemente un pool de STARPRO/STARBITS Esa es una noticia espectacular por muchas razones!

No mas afectar negativamente al precio del Starbits!

  • Lo primordial es que gracias a ese el pool el precio del Starbits va a mejorar! Y va a mejorar porque cada vez que alguien necesite comprar Starpro no va a tener que vender Starbits por Hive y luego ir a comprar Starpro sino que se va a poder ir directamente al pool y hacer swap de los Starbits por Starpro y viceversa!

First of all let's start with the good news! The good news is that a STARPRO/STARBITS pool was recently created. This is spectacular news for many reasons!

No more negative impact on the price of Starbits!

  • The first and foremost is that thanks to this pool the price of Starbits will improve! And it will improve because every time someone needs to buy Starpro they won't have to sell Starbits through Hive and then go to buy Starpro but they will be able to go directly to the pool and swap Starbits for Starpro and vice versa!


No mas dolores de cabeza con el music promoter!

  • Incluso hasta para el mas experimentado era una odisea el estar calculando el precio del music promoter con el mercado, con hive, con starbits, con bids, con las misiones del dia y un monton de cosas que tenian que pasar, bueno ahora mismo te puedes olvidar de ese dolor de cabeza!

Es cierto que si tienes cantidades pequeñas de Starbits que quieres cambiar por Starpro la unica opcion que sigues teniendo aun es usar el music promoter, pero si quieres comprar 1 Starpro completo o mas ya no vas a tener que preocuparte por eso, eso no significa que el music promoter pasa de lado, para nada, porque sigue siendo la unica fuente de Starpro, eventualmente deberia ser mas barato conseguir Starpro por medio del music promoter asi que te puedes beneficiar de eso si lo sabes usar!

No more headaches with the music promoter!

  • Even for the most experienced it was an odyssey to be calculating the price of the music promoter with the market, with hive, with starbits, with bids, with the missions of the day and a lot of things that had to happen, well now you can forget about that headache!

It's true that if you have small amounts of Starbits that you want to trade for Starpro the only option you still have is to use the music promoter, but if you want to buy 1 full Starpro or more you won't have to worry about that, that doesn't mean that the music promoter is going by the wayside, not at all, because it is still the only source of Starpro, eventually it should be cheaper to get Starpro through the music promoter so you can benefit from that if you know how to use it!


Mas liquidez dentro del juego!

  • Mas opciones para hacer grandes compras y grandes ventas dentro del juego, no vas a tener que estar peleandote a cuchillo con los bots del market! Ademas de eso, un pool representa una inversion de mas de 10.000$ dolares de parte de Wagginston, esa perla se las dejo ahi para que saquen sus propias conclusiones!

More in-game liquidity!

  • More options to make big purchases and big sales within the game, you won't have to be fighting with the market bots! Besides that, a pool represents an investment of more than 10.000$ dollars from Wagginston, I leave that pearl there for you to draw your own conclusions!


Usando el swap!

Usar el swap es muy sencillo, primero entran a se loguean con su keychain y listo, escogen la cantidas que quieran cambiar, hacen click a swap y listo!

Lo otro es que si tienen una cantidad de Starbits y Starpro sin hacer nada y que no piensan vender pueden agregarlo como liquidez en el Pool y llevarse una parte del fee, nada mal! Es como un stake, aunque yo preferiria comprar todo eso en cartas y aumentar mis stats, pero es una opcion que se tiene y seguramente a mas de uno le va a interesar!

Using the swap!

Using the swap is very simple, first go to log in with your keychain and ready, choose the amount you want to change, click on swap and that's it!

The other thing is that if you have a number of Starbits and Starpro without doing anything and you do not plan to sell you can add it as liquidity in the Pool and take a part of the fee, not bad! It's like a stake, although I would prefer to buy all that in cards and increase my stats, but it's an option that you have and surely more than one will be interested!


Este es todo el post por esta ocasion, si tienes alguna duda preguntame en los comentarios y te las respondo!!

Sigue a mi cuenta de GIVEAWAYS @titoraffles hay varios activos en los que puedes participar!

Si te llama la atencion jugar Rising Star y aun no lo haces puedes unirte con mi LINK DE REFERIDO!

Tambien puedes visitar mi canal de Youtube, aparezco como Soyuntito.

Todas las imagenes son editadas por mi en Canva o screenshots tomados en la pagina oficial!

Hasta la proxima!!!

This is the whole post for this occasion, if you have any questions ask me in the comments and I'll answer them!!!

Follow my GIVEAWAYS account @titoraffles there are several assets in which you can participate!

If you are interested in playing Rising Star and you still don't play you can join with my REFERRAL LINK!!

You can also visit my Youtube channel, I appear as Soyuntito.

All images are edited by me in Canva or screenshots taken from the official website!

See you next time!

Captura de pantalla 2022-06-17 204019.jpg

▶️ 3Speak


This is indeed a wonderful development.
I should have bought Starbits before it pumped up.

Thanks for sharing.



It is great news and love the price going back up


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