

Hola comunidad de Hive Pets! Este es mi primer post en esta comunidad y con mucho placer les voy a presentar a la nueva integrante de mi familia! Fana! LLego a nuestras vidas despues de una tragedia y nos ayudo a sanarla, anteriormente habiamos adoptado a un perrito que su madre no lo pudo alimentar casi, tenia un mes cuando lo adoptamos, a pesar de nuestros esfuerzos tuvo problemas de crecimiento, despues tuvo que lidiar con la parvovirosis y fueron dos semanas de batalla, logramos que se recuperara pero sufrio mucho y quedo con secuelas en el cuerpo, paso una semana mas y tome la dificil decision de sacrificarlo, era un perrito excepcional con una personalidad muy particular, debido a tantos problemas nunca lo presente a la comunidad, unos meses despues decidimos tener otra mascota y Fana llego a nuestras vidas!

Hello Hive Pets community! This is my first post in this community and with a lot of pleasure I am going to introduce you to the new member of my family! Fana! She came into our lives after a tragedy and helped us to heal her, we had previously adopted a puppy that her mother could not feed him almost, he was one month old when we adopted him, despite our efforts he had problems growing, then he had to deal with parvovirus and it was two weeks of battle, We managed to get him to recover but he suffered a lot and was left with sequels in his body, one more week passed and I took the difficult decision to sacrifice him, he was an exceptional dog with a very particular personality, due to so many problems I never presented him to the community, a few months later we decided to have another pet and Fana came into our lives!



Fana es una Malamute de Alaska hembra, es una raza que es muy cercana a los Husky Siberianos puros, tiene apenas unos 5 meses de edad, pesa alrededor de 18 kilos y le falta mucho aun por crecer! Puede llegar a pesar unos 30-55 kilos, es una perra muy energica, siempre quiere estar jugando, siempre quiere estar jugando y lo mas importante, es una compañia espectacular para mi hijo de 2 años y para la familia! A pesar de que a mi mujer le ha provocado ya unos cuantos dolores de cabeza por lo destructiva que puede llegar a ser!

Fana is a female Alaskan Malamute, is a breed that is very close to the pure Siberian Husky, she is only about 5 months old, weighs about 18 kilos and still has a lot of growing to do! She can reach 30-55 kilos, she is a very energetic dog, always wants to be playing, always wants to be playing and the most important thing, she is a spectacular companion for my 2 year old son and for the family! Although she has already caused my wife a few headaches because of how destructive she can be!


Una de las cosas que mas me gustan de ella es que siempre esta feliz, siempre tiene buen animo, siempre esta jugueteando y dandonos alegrias! Juega mucho con mi hijo y se la llevan muy bien, muchas veces son confidentes, cuando estan juntos y hay mucho silencio hay que preocuparse porque es seguro que estan haciendo una travesura! Ademas es una perroa muy hermosa, extremadamente hermosa y fotogenica, aunque sacarle fotos es casi un milagro, algo muy dificil ya que nunca esta quieta! Tiene unos ojos azules espectaculares!!!

One of the things I like most about her is that she is always happy, always in good spirits, always playing and giving us joy! She plays a lot with my son and they get along very well, many times they are confidants, when they are together and there is a lot of silence you have to worry because it is sure that they are making a mischief! She is also a very beautiful dog, extremely beautiful and photogenic, although taking pictures of her is almost a miracle, something very difficult since she is never still! She has spectacular blue eyes!!!!


Muchas veces mi hijo intenta copiar lo que ella hace, a veces quiere morder lo que ella muerde o tambien acostarse cuando ella se acuesta!

Many times my son tries to copy what she does, sometimes he wants to bite what she bites or even go to bed when she goes to bed!


Otra cosa que ambos disfutan mucho por igual es jugar con tierra, en donde estamos la tierra es roja, muy roja, a Fana le gusta cavar y a Max igual! Ambos juegan con tierra y cuando entran a la casa pareciera que estan llenos de pintura y dejan todo manchado de rojo por todas partes! Algo que particularmente disfruto mucho ver, me gusta verlos a ambos llenos de vida y disfrutando, a mi mujer es a la que no le hace mucha gracia!

Another thing they both enjoy very much is playing with dirt, where we are the dirt is red, very red, Fana likes to dig and Max the same! They both play with dirt and when they enter the house it looks like they are full of paint and they leave red stains everywhere! Something I particularly enjoy seeing, I like to see them both full of life and enjoying themselves, my wife is the one who doesn't like it very much!



Fana por su raza, algo muy normal en este tipo de perros tiene una faceta extremadamente destructiva e inquieta, se aburre muy rapido y tiene mucha energia que si no se la gastamos va a encontrar la manera de gastarla por su cuenta y ella siempre escoge el camino de la DESTRUCCION! Es normal levantarnos en la mañana y encontrar algo fuera de lugar o algo totalmente destruido por mas que nos preocupemos por no dejarle cosas a la vista, una de sus victimas preferidas es el sofa, el cual ya tiene ambos posa brazos completamente destruidos, por la mañana nos solemos encontrar con el cadaver de un cojin. Es normal en perros de su raza y hay que tenerles paciencia.

Fana for her breed, something very normal in this kind of dogs, she has an extremely destructive and restless side, she gets bored very fast and has a lot of energy that if we don't spend it she will find a way to spend it on her own and she always chooses the way of DESTRUCTION! It is normal to wake up in the morning and find something out of place or something completely destroyed even if we worry about not leaving things in sight, one of her favorite victims is the sofa, which already has both armrests completely destroyed, in the morning we usually find the corpse of a cushion. It is normal in dogs of his breed and it is necessary to have patience with them.


Gracias por leer mi post! Esta es la presentacion de la nueva integrante de mi familia, Fana, quizas decir nuevo miembro de la familia es algo muy fuerte ya que no se compara en lo mas minimo a un ser humano, pero ciertamente ocupan un lugar muy importante en el nucleo familiar como una mascota! Espero que este con nosotros por muchos años mas!

Todas las imagenes son mias y las edite con Canva!

Hasta la proxima!

Thanks for reading my post! This is the introduction of the new member of my family, Fana, maybe to say new member of the family is something very strong since it does not compare in the least to a human being, but they certainly occupy a very important place in the family nucleus as a pet! I hope she will be with us for many years to come!

All the images are mine and I edited them with Canva!

See you next time!



Oh she's gorgeous and really like she's always happy. She's even smiling. Lovely to see you, Fana!


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