Gender Discrimination: Are Males Immuned to Sufferings?

Gender is really a very important factor in our world as it helps group the world into two broad classification, Males and Females.

Imagine how the world would have been without these clear demarcations...

But then, discrimination comes in when there are some limitations, restrictions or favouritism that comes with one been a particular gender.


I have been made to do something against my will simply because of my sex.
I know that I might still get some criticism against it even on this post but I still don't think that justifies what happened that day...

It happened when I was doing my Medical posting under Cardiothoracic Unit at the hospital.

The hospital management claims to be too poor to provide enough seat for both patients and students that come for postings but then the patients comes first, hence most of the seats were outside the consulting room leaving just one of the chairs (can contain about 6students) inside the consulting room for as many as 24 students posted in the unit.

As a result of this singular act, you will get to stand throughout the consulting period for about 6hours should you end up not getting a space to sit down.

We were new to the unit and I was welcomed with 6hours of learning while standing.

This experience kept ringing in my head that it served as an alarm to wake me up the next day as early as 6am and I began preparing.

As luck may have it, on reaching the hospital, 5girls were already seated there and I got the last space on the seat.

I was happy that I will maximize the day since I was very comfortable unknown to me that my joy will be short-lived.

Fast forward to when the consulting doctor came in and called in the first patient, after prescription and the patient left for the next patient to enter he said,

"Samuel, stand up so the ladies could sit down, the seat is for them"

Jeez, I was really sad about that and asked myself several rhetorical questions..

Where is it written that only the ladies should sit down?

Is comfort only for the ladies?

That was how I ended up standing up for a lady that came 2hours after I came only because she was a lady...

That was quite unnecessary and doesn't make sense to me.... Too sad we discriminate even when it's not necessary


How Did You Handle It?

Hehehe, looking at this question makes me laugh anyway.

Some things can't just be handled 😂
He left me no option except standing up comfortably from the seat and taking the rest of the teachings while standing.


And What Lessons Did You Get From It?

Is there really a lesson to be learnt from here?

I really didn't learn anything from the experience on my end to be sincere.

What should I have learnt exactly?

Standing up for ladies when I'm also tired and needed a seat?

Coming late to postings?

There was honestly nothing for me to learn here .


If You Were To Stop All Forms Of Discrimination, What Measures Would You Take?

It will really be wonderful if finally discriminations could finally be eradicated but this is just a myth that I really don't see coming but then it can be reduced to the barest minimum.

Truth be told,

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We are stronger together as just Human beings without the gender sentiment

Taking a shot at solving the problems of discrimination will actually have to start from .....

  • Equity and Fairness:

All human beings are equal and has the right to be treated as such.
Placing equity and Fairness above the human gender will really help a lot in reducing discrimination.

A rule should be made and strictly adhered to.

Using my experience as a case study for instance, if the rule was that whoever comes first takes the seat, then it would be very clear to everyone that it's simply on the basis of first come first serve and would have helped given me a fighting basis to get my seat back.

  • Sticking To The Golden Rule:

How about we discard the gender-biased decisions we make and stick to asking ourselves,

Would I be happy if what I'm about doing to someone else is done to me?

Whenever you find yourself in debate about that particular act, I think it's better we stop ourselves.

At least, it will help us stop discriminating even when not necessary.

Thanks for reading 👍


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 159 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Sadly enough, these things happen all the time and sometimes it's too ridiculous that you start asking yourself if there's something else going on. It's unfair that you have to stand up for someone else that came later than you, it's not like she's pregnant or an elderly woman


Exactly the point... If she was in some conditions that required her sitting down, with no doubt, I would have stood up for her but then when she is healthy and I have to stand up just because she's a female doesn't sit down with me at all


Truly, what happened was quite unfair and unnecessary.

And it's sad that it is a norm in our society that men should take the brunt of suffering in whatever situation, "it's the right thing to do" "chivalry".

We have gotten to a point where, in trying to combat female discrimination, we discriminate males instead. The lines have definitely gotten blurry over the years and sometimes, we treat males like they shouldn't have feelings.

And what could possibly be done about it now?? We're in too deep. Hopefully with educating people in our own way, we'll get to change the narrative somehow.

In the meantime, I'm sorry you had to go through that. Stay strong


Hehehe, it happened quite months ago.
I think Education will go a long way although I have my doubts anyway because most persons doing this are quite well versed in knowledge.


It's so sad and uncalled for. It's the doctor that didn't do the right thing. I will never do that to anyone. It's only the old that requires such treatment not a young girl. Sorry about that.


I call that subtle discriminationl, lol. Sometimes this type of discrimination is just. Probably because the see women as the weaker sex. Imagine you had to assist two people carry something, one a woman and the other a man. Chances are you would easily help the woman instead of the man. Why do you think that is so? It's only natural


Sometimes this type of discrimination is just.

Walk me down the lane of your thoughts please?
What made it just?

That's the problem, helping someone out doesn't and shouldn't be gender driven,the question would have been,
Who amongst these persons needed my help the most?

Not which gender needs it
I stand to be corrected anyway


I understand where you are coming from. I still believe life itself is fairer to women than it is to men. It's always been there


What that doctor did is not fair at all. Even if he wanted you to give the lady that seat, he should have allowed you to do it out of your own will.

She came late, that was none of your business, if she was there early she would have gotten a place to sit. That was bad of him. These are some of the things they do that make some ladies very lazy and feel they can use their beauty to entice any man.

You are right about total eradication of this malady, it's something that can be achieved but, I don't think it will ever come to reality.


Sad but true.

Women want equity and I fully support that.

However, they also want to be treated with chivalry which of course means inequitably (for the man).

In the end though I'd rather take the road of helping my fellow person and endure having the discomfort of standing knowing that I'm helping out a fellow person.

Of course in Canada even standing and allowing a woman to sit can be met with opposition because you are indirectly saying that you are stronger than the woman which can make them mad.

Sometimes just can't win


So so sad.
When I think about the whole stuff, it gets to my nerves but then let's see how far we can go with it.... Hopefully we will solve the problem one day
Thanks for reading and leaving a comment, I really appreciate
